
Words From Our Pastors
Words From Our Pastors
Words From Our Pastors
Entries with Author Steven Lee .
Dear FCBC Family, It has been twelve weeks since we last gathered together as the church due to the Coronavirus Pandemic. I thank God for technology and how we have been able to continue to worship together through livestream and have prayer meeting, fellowship, and Sunday...
Hello FCBC Family, We are nearing three weeks since we last met. For many of us, we are starting to get used to this new normal, working at home, no school for the kids, not being able to go out and see others. At the same time this new normal is constantly changing and...
[Video] Hi FCBC Family, I hope you are doing well and staying safe in this time. I really missed seeing all of you and the time we have to come together as a church family, the time we have to talk together and hear how you are doing and what God’s teaching you, the...
Re: The King of Kings - Psalm 2 Why is the world so angry at God? (1-3) It makes no sense, God who is perfectly holy and good? Not only does it make no sense, it is ridiculous. They are picking a fight against God and there is only one possible outcome . . . defeat.
Re: What Do You Boast In? – Gal 6:11-18 This past Sunday, we concluded our series of Paul’s letter to the Galatians. The question was asked, “What do you boast in?” Though boasting is often viewed in a negative light, it does not necessarily require such a connotation. The...
Re: The Supernatural Gospel - (Gal 1:11-24) This year, our church them is “Alive in Christ (Gal 2:19-20).” The question naturally arises, how are we made alive in Christ? The answer is this: the Gospel. The Gospel is what saves us and the Gospel is what transforms our lives....
Re: How Thanksgiving Changes Everything (Phil 4:4-9) I. Rejoice in the Lord always! (Phil 4:4-5) Rejoice in the Lord always! What do you find your greatest joy and satisfaction in? Is it your job? school? sports? family? something of this world? Is your life...
Re: The Extraordinary Love and faith of Ruth (Ruth 1:14-22) Some questions to reflect on in light of this past Sunday's sermon. So often our "love" is driven by what we can get in return or because we are supposed to, rather than because God first loved us (1John...
Re: Sermon: Betrayed, Deserted, yet Resolved (Mark 14:43-52) This past Sunday, we looked at Mark's account of Jesus's arrest. We saw how Jesus was betrayed, deserted, yet still resolved. How was it that Jesus could be betrayed by one of his very own disciples, deserted by the...
Re: Sermon: The Triumphal Entry of the Servant King (Mark 11:1-11) Life is not easy. Each day, we face a number of challenges, some more difficult than others. As these challenges build up, it is easy to feel overwhelmed with the numerous tasks and responsibilities we...
Re: Sermon: Focusing on "Who" rather than "Why” (Job 42:7-17) Trusting God in the midst of trials is never easy. Some people may experience great trials (terminal illness, broken relationships, financial hardship, etc), while others may experience comparatively small...
Re: 6/23 Sermon: "God is Not Silent" "Why am I suffering?" All of us will ask this question at one point or another in our lives. For some of us, this will be a question that constantly comes up throughout our lives. We may not phrase it exactly the same way, but the...
This past year has been pretty busy and action packed. It's hard to believe that less than a year ago, I was making the trek up to LA for seminary, living in Orange at my brother's house, and serving as an intern. Over the past year, I graduated from TMS and joined...
Preaching on God's Design for Marriage (Eph 5:22-33) has been one of the most difficult sermons that I have prepared in my short time preaching. As I prepared, I kept looking back at the five years of marriage that God has blessed Angie and I with and examining it in light of...
Showing 1 to 14 of 14 entries.