Re: The Extraordinary Love and Faith of Ruth (Ruth 1:14-22)

Re: The Extraordinary Love and faith of Ruth (Ruth 1:14-22)
Some questions to reflect on in light of this past Sunday's sermon.
So often our "love" is driven by what we can get in return or because we are supposed to, rather than because God first loved us (1John 4:19). Remember Ruth's selfless love towards Naomi and how it was not based on self-interest or obligation.
- Who are some people that you want to demonstrate selfless, sacrificial love towards?
- What are some specific ways that you can do this in the upcoming week?
Though we are not in control of our circumstance, we ARE in control of how we respond. Naomi was controlled by circumstance and responded in bitterness. Ruth, on the other hand, was controlled by faith in God and responded in love. Our faith is demonstrated when we seek to respond in a way that honors God regardless of circumstance, because we know God is in control and working things out for our good and His glory.
- What is a difficult circumstance that you are currently experiencing or anticipate occurring in the near future?
- How you can respond in a way that is honoring to God? Commit this to prayer.
As we grow in our understanding of who God is and what He has done, we are able to better love because we see His love and place our faith in Him because we recognize His faithfulness. This is why it is so important to spend consistent time in God's Word.
- How you are seeking to grow in your understanding of God?
- How can you seek encouragement from others when you are having difficulty with this?