"No Eye Is On the Sparrow"

This was a quote from Joan Didion's book, The Year of Magical Thinkin. I do not know if she is a Christian or not, but the statement evokes in me the question - how do you communicate God's care to someone who has just lost it all? In Job 39, God is communicating to Job regarding His eye not only on the sparrow, but on the raven, the young lion, the deer, the ostrich, and so on.
And yet emotionally, how is that meant to bring healing and growth for Job?
Our Lord Jesus often pointed to God's common grace - of watching the sparrow, of bringing rain upon the just and unjust, of clothing the lilies of the field, as the impetus to not worry, nor be anxious because God provides for you and I. That's challenging for us to do even when things are smooth, how difficult it is when we are in Job's dire situation.
God expands Job's view of His common grace beginning with each of the animals, their unique design, God's detailed provision, much of it beyond human sight and comprehension. We can do the same looking at nature and God's design. But I think we can take it another step further and look at God's common grace in our lives. The weather conditions sustaining life, the rain that falls, the food that God provides, the homes, the clothing, the birth of a child, the provision of parents, and even the unique design that God has imprinted in us making us wonderfully and fearfully made (Ps 139). That includes are abilities, our aptitudes, skills, appearance, and health - able to wallk, breathe, jump, and sing. This I think is what God is expanding not only Job's view of His grace, but ours as well.
But it does not end there. The book of Job is an encouraging book indeed of God's love for His servant Job despite the horrible trials, but God also sent His own Son, whom He loved, through the trial of crucifixion. That imparts to us eternal life, life in God's heavenly kingdom, resurrection bodies, a new heavens and a new earth, and a family even closer in love and joy than the one we are in today.
These are but evidences of God's care. But it still requires faith which,. I wish I had the formula to impart this faith to others like Joan, let alone impart more to my own soul and eyesight. But our Christian walk has always required faith and a willingness to walk by faith. May God grant you and I faith to see His loving hand which provides for even the one cent sparrow.
Discussion Question: What area do you have the hardest time seeing God's provision? What areas has God provided for you and others that has encouraged you the most in your faith in God's care?