Godfrey Hom

Senior Pastor

Pastor Godfrey was born in Oakland to first-generation immigrants from Guangzhou, China, and was born-again at Chinese Independent Baptist Church at age 7. By God's grace, and through the many (desperate!) prayers of faithful family and mentors, he grew in faith during those early formative years.

In 1990, after finishing a B.A. in geography at Berkeley, he moved to UCLA, graduated with an M.Ed., and went on to teach secondary mathematics. In 1997, together with his bride, Stacey, he embarked on a new path towards pastoral ministry by enrolling at Talbot School of Theology, earning an M.Div. in 2000. Pastor Godfrey served at churches in Palos Verdes and Irvine before joining the FCBC-FV family in 2012.

Besides Jesus, Godfrey's joys in life are Stacey and their children Sarah, Shane, and Selah. His interests include (in alphabetical order) athletics, bargain-shopping, Bay Area sports, cars, food, games, history, home/kitchen gadgets, music and people.

Email Address: godfrey.hom@fcbcfv.org

Recent Sermons

Jun 23
Jun 23, 2024
The Jesus Army - Matthew 9:35-38 Listen Watch
Jun 16
Jun 16, 2024
成為最棒的#2 爸爸 (M) - Mark 1:19-20 Listen Watch
Jun 16
Jun 16, 2024
成為最棒的#2 爸爸 (C) - Mark 1:19-20 Listen Watch
Jun 16
Jun 16, 2024
Become the Best #2 Dad! - Mark 1:19-20 Listen Watch
Jun 2
Jun 2, 2024
Saving Faith, Saving Power - Matthew 9:18-26 Listen Watch

Recent Blogs


带有Author Godfrey Hom 的条目。

Godfrey Hom  | 七月 08, 2022

Dear FCBC Family, The latest COVID "sub-variant" is highly transmissible and causing a dramatic rise in illness. Thankfully, most cases are relatively mild (I can testify to that myself) and hospitalizations are low.  As a precaution, we ask that everyone,...

Godfrey Hom  | 三月 09, 2022

Brothers & Sisters, The situation in Ukraine has intensified, with the UN estimating over two million refugees fleeing the invasion. This is the largest refugee crisis in Europe since World War Two. May the Lord have mercy and show His power against evil and His love in...

Godfrey Hom  | 一月 05, 2022

Brothers & Sisters 各位弟兄姊妹, Thank you for your understanding after Sunday School classes were suspended last week. We prayed that you still had a worshipful and blessed time live streaming and Zooming from home.  感謝你們體諒上週要停止實體主日學班. 求主祝福你們仍在線上有好的崇拜和學習.   Next...

Godfrey Hom  | 十二月 30, 2021

FCBC-FV Church family 各位弟兄姊妹, Because of the increasing number of COVID infections, we will temporarily suspend Sunday School and children's classes this Sunday. Teachers, please communicate with your students to see if it is feasible to move classes online (i.e. Zoom)....

Godfrey Hom  | 十二月 29, 2021

Brothers & Sisters 親愛的主內弟兄姐妹, You have probably heard by now about the increasing cases of COVID around the world and here in Orange County. And you may be wondering how the news impacts...

Philippians 3:12–14

Not that I have already obtained it or have already become perfect, but I press on so that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus. Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.