
Words From Our Pastors
Words From Our Pastors
Words From Our Pastors
Entries with Author Godfrey Hom .
Dear FCBC Family, The latest COVID "sub-variant" is highly transmissible and causing a dramatic rise in illness. Thankfully, most cases are relatively mild (I can testify to that myself) and hospitalizations are low. As a precaution, we ask that everyone,...
Brothers & Sisters, The situation in Ukraine has intensified, with the UN estimating over two million refugees fleeing the invasion. This is the largest refugee crisis in Europe since World War Two. May the Lord have mercy and show His power against evil and His love in...
Brothers & Sisters 各位弟兄姊妹, Thank you for your understanding after Sunday School classes were suspended last week. We prayed that you still had a worshipful and blessed time live streaming and Zooming from home. 感謝你們體諒上週要停止實體主日學班. 求主祝福你們仍在線上有好的崇拜和學習. Next...
FCBC-FV Church family 各位弟兄姊妹, Because of the increasing number of COVID infections, we will temporarily suspend Sunday School and children's classes this Sunday. Teachers, please communicate with your students to see if it is feasible to move classes online (i.e. Zoom)....
Brothers & Sisters 親愛的主內弟兄姐妹, You have probably heard by now about the increasing cases of COVID around the world and here in Orange County. And you may be wondering how the news impacts...
Brothers and Sisters, The COVID pandemic continues to add new entries into our lexicon. The latest one is "delta variant" (sounds like something from math class!). Experts say that this variant is even more contagious than the original 2019 coronavirus, and the...
Brothers and Sisters, Greetings in Christ! Our new COVID guidelines for church gatherings begin this weekend. Here's a quick recap: Masks & Social Distancing: Masks for adults and teens will be optional (indoors and out) for those fully vaccinated. ...
Brothers and Sisters, Thank God for the continuous good news on COVID-19 since the peak last winter: (1) the decline of cases; (2) the CDC's removal of mask mandates for vaccinated people; and (3) the "official reopening" of the state of California. As a...
June 16, 2021 Brothers and sisters, Here are five reasons why you might love coming to the SBC Annual Meeting in the future (always the second week of June): You delight in word studies Parliamentary rules fascinate you You are tickled by Southern accents You love to...
June 15, 2021 Greetings, brothers and sisters! I pray this finds you well in the Lord. Today was the start of the Annual (Business) Meeting…and it was a long day. Except for a 2-hour lunch break, we were in packed into the convention hall, shoulder to shoulder,...
Greetings from Nashville, Tennessee—home of country music, the Grand Ole Opry, the Predators, Titans, Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) and the 2021 SEND Conference and SBC Annual Meeting. On behalf of your nine messengers here representing FCBC-FV, I...
Our "Cup" Overflows: Last Sunday's 2nd service was at over-full capacity (praise the Lord!). Please always reserve your seat for worship if you plan to come. If you do attend this Sunday, please consider giving an opportunity to others the following...
Welcome Back!歡迎你們回來! All elementary and youth Sunday School classes (1st-12th grade) are resuming on-campus (9:00am), along with children's worship (11:00am). They will operate in "hybrid" mode, combining in-person and online teaching for those staying home. ...
Brothers & Sisters, If you plan to attend next Sunday's indoor worship service, please reserve a space. Go to ChurchCenter or use your ChurchCenter app (>Events). ...
Dear church family and friends, 各位會員及朋友, We will celebrate the Lord's Supper (Communion) this Sunday after the end of each service. If you are worshiping in-person, please remember to bring your communion elements with you. 本主日兩堂崇拜後將分別舉行聖餐....
Dear church family and friends, 各位會員及朋友, We will have a special family gathering this Sunday afternoon, 10/18 @ 2:00pm, to hear the testimonies of those getting baptized and joining the church as members. Come join in celebrating the good news that "Jesus Saves" and that He...
Dear church family and friends, 各位會員及朋友, We will celebrate the Lord's Supper (Communion) this Sunday after the end of each service, at 10:10am (in Mandarin & Cantonese) and 12:10pm (in English). 本主日兩堂崇拜後將分別舉行聖餐, 中文部時間是上午十時十分, 英文部在中午十二時十分. If...
Brothers & Sisters, If you plan to attend next Sunday's indoor worship service, please reserve a space: 如果你計畫要參加主日室內崇拜,請記得登記保留位置 Go...
Come and join thousands of attendees at the first ever online CMC Global Launch this Saturday, September 26th. 請來與千多位參加者一同在本週六(九月廿六日)的全球華人差傳大會, 第一次線上聚會. Register for free at 免費報名: Schedule:...
Brothers & Sisters, After a successful restart of our indoor 2nd (English) worship service last Sunday, we're now ready to restart 1st service (Chinese) also. 號外!號外!我們已經可以回到教會『室內』崇拜了! ...