Children's Sunday School
Children's Sunday School
Toddlers - Preschool
1st - 6th Grade
Welcome to our Elementary Sunday School for grades 1-6! We have three combined classes of Grades 1/2, 3/4 and 5/6.
Our Mission Statement for Elementary Sunday School is:
- For parents and teachers to work together in the spiritual development of the child;
- To encourage a God-focused, home life;
- And to encourage family worship by discussing. 1) the worksheets from curriculum take-home pages or Activity Book, 2) using your own personal devotional books, and 3) praying with and for your child (see below).
The Goals of our Sunday School is to:
- Teach the child about God through the Bible and help apply Biblical principles and truths to their lives.
- Provide each child the opportunity to receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
- Help train the child in spiritual disciplines (public & private prayer, learning the books of the Bible, how to use the Bible, daily Bible reading, church attendance; relating with other students).
- Set examples of Christian living modeled by teachers.
- Show the love of God to the child during and outside of class – to let them know they are loved and very important to the Lord and to the Sunday School teachers.
What your child will do in our classes:
Each class has a prayer time in which students are encouraged to share prayer requests; these requests are prayed out loud by the other students developing skills for public prayer.
Our teachers rotate teaching the lessons often using power point and interactive activities. This year we are using two curriculums. Grades 1-2 will return to using the Great Commissions Publication series ( Grades 3-4 and 5- 6 will continue to use the Generations of Grace curriculum from Grace Community Church ( This curriculum covers the entire Bible in three years. Basic doctrines are introduced but most importantly, the teachers try to make the lessons practical and applicable in the child’s daily life. They also pray for your child and love all them with truth and sincerity. We have an excellent group of teachers; there are 3-4 teachers in each class.
For the 1-2 grade class, the children work on an activity sheet in class and also receive a take-home paper. This is a great devotional tool for you to review the lesson with your child during the week. Grades 3 through 6 children receives an Activity book (supplemental learning to the lesson) and urged for him/her to take home and complete. It is our desire that the parents review these sheets weekly with their child to reinforce the biblical truths.
Following Sunday School, the students are dismissed for a break at the playground before going to Children’s Worship which meets at 11:00. At this time, students will be able to worship God altogether. Children’s Worship has a separate staff.
1 st Sunday of the month- Assembly--all students and teachers meet together for about 15 minutes. It is a time to recognize those with perfect attendance and birthdays as well as briefly highlight any holidays for that month or emphasize a biblical truth relative to current issues.
Our church provides solid, biblical teaching for our young children. It is with the help of the Holy Spirit and prayer that your child will be given a firm Biblical foundation on which to build an understanding of who God is and to receive Him as his/her Savior. We would love to partner with you in helping your child grow in the Lord. Please contact who will connect you to the Elementary Sunday School Superintendent and CW directors. We look forward to meeting you and personally introduce you to our programs!
May God bless you richly!
Rose Lee
Elementary Sunday School Superintendent