Campus Renovation

Campus Renovation
Campus Renovation
Campus Renovation
Important Dates
Neighbors' Information Meeting
Feb 3, 2024
FV Planning Commission Public Hearing
Feb 14, 2024
Plan Check Submittal
May 24, 2024
Solicit Bids
Sept 4, 2024
Church Members Auth Vote
Nov 3, 2024
February, 2025
Campus Renovation Update (Jan 7, 2025)
Dear Church Family,
Since the last update in November, so much has happened to be thankful for!
- Pledges:
- The second ("supplemental" ) pledge drive in November-December was successful in reaching--and exceeding--the $600,000 goal! Praise the Lord!
- Thank you all for your generous giving to fulfill your original 2022 pledge.
- General Contractor: We had productive meetings with our general contractor, Tilton-Pacific, and are thankful we could establish a good, working relationship with their representatives.
- City Permits: The city has approved the building and landscape permits. We expect to clear the temporary facility and grading permits soon.
But, you may be asking, "Why is there no sign of construction on campus yet? Were not the bathroom trailers supposed to be already here?"
Yes, unfortunately the start of the project has been delayed because of a documentation problem needed for the temporary trailers. However, as of last Friday that problem has been corrected, and we hope to receive the temporary facility permit very soon, which will open the doors for the trailers to be brought onsite.
Thank you again for your love for the Lord and His church here at FCBC. We continue to look forward with much anticipation, even as we wait patiently through these delays.
Campus Renovation Update (Nov 5, 2024)
Dear FCBC church family,
Thank the Lord that we have reached another milestone in this six-year renovation campaign!
Church members' authorization
This past Sunday, FCBC members voted nearly unanimously to (1) allocate funds for the construction of the new 20,000 square foot "Building C" and other associated campus improvements, and (2) to hold a second pledge to makeup for the approximately 10% projected funding shortfall, while maintaining a fiscally-responsible reserve in the church's general fund.
If you have not yet fulfilled your pledge from December 2022, please be sure to do so by the end of this year. We still have about $500,000 outstanding from that pledge.
City authorization
Today, while the church committee was meeting with the general contractor, architects and civil engineer, the city emailed their plan check comments, and it appears they are very close to finalizing all of the needed building permits. Again, thank the Lord!
Contracts and construction
With the church's approval in hand, we will now sign contracts with the general contractors and other parties. And then begins the actual construction work on campus..The first sign of construction will be the installation of temporary bathroom and storage facilities in the parking lot. Meanwhile, we can now begin to clear out of existing offices and the worship hall; the Operations Committee (headed by Tim Quon) will advise the church on these details. Demolition will likely occur shortly after New Year's Day.
Stay tuned and continue to praise the Lord together! :)
Blessings, Godfrey
Campus Renovation Update (Oct 18, 2024)
Greetings FCBC family!
Over the past six years of the renovation campaign, there has been one question on everyone’s mind: “How much will it cost?” We now have that answer, and we believe by faith that it is within reach.
The Lord has led us these past six years, and now we are on the bank of the river. We still need faith in Him to provide for the crossing, but the goal is in sight, praise God!
We want to share with you the budget needs and construction plans moving forward, so please mark your calendars to attend:
A short update meeting this coming Sunday, October 20th, 1:30pm in the worship hall, in which we will provide a more detailed picture about the costs, budget needs and probable construction timeline.
A special members business meeting on Sunday, November 3rd, 1:30pm in the worship hall, in which members will officially vote to proceed with funding solutions and construction.
Pastor Godfrey
Campus Renovation Update (May 22, 2024)
FCBC-FV Family and Friends,
Our architects are getting close to finishing the construction documents and we will be submitting them to the city for a Plan Check soon. Hopefully, the City of Fountain Valley planners will look favorably upon our submission, and authorize a building permit shortly thereafter.
In the previous update, we asked for prayer to find a good engineering solution to the soil liquefaction problem at a reasonable cost. The Lord has provided as we have asked. Thank you, God! There are no other major technical hurdles as we move towards the Plan Check stage.
Please note that the Project Timeline has changed. The scheduled Groundbreaking is postponed by two months to October, to provide more lead time for the Operations Team to procure on-site trailers for bathrooms, offices and storage. Even with the delay, we still anticipate that we will celebrate the dedication of the new building by early summer next year.
May the Lord continue to watch over and guide this project, especially our architect liaison Percy. I thank God for you, your faithful prayers and generous contributions to the renovation!
Blessings, Godfrey
Campus Renovation Update (April 9, 2024)
Church Family and Friends,
Here are the latest updates on the renovation campaign:
- ENGINEERING UPDATE: An engineering consultation revealed that our property is in a "liquefaction" zone , where the soil layers underground are wet due to a high water table. A strong earthquake could result in building damage. To mitigate against this danger, the consultants have recommended additional ground improvement, which will add about 3-4% to the overall costs of the building. Pray that this extra expense will be met by God's abundant provisions!
- PLEDGE: You all have contributed generously to your faith pledge on December 2023. THANK YOU and praise the Lord for providing through you! Please remember to fulfill your second pledge by June 30. We only need about $1.2 million to reach our final goal. We 're almost there!!
- SPRING CLEANING: This will be a very special year for spring cleaning, as we'll be preparing for demo and renovation later in the year. Please set aside the mornings of April 20 and May 25 to clean and get organized! Items in storage will be on display to be claimed, or disposed if not claimed. Also, there will be a slight change to the campership policy: instead of automatically accepting the $25 registration fee discount for serving at the spring cleaning, you can opt to decline it so it may bless someone else who applies for a campership.
Thank you, family and friends! We are both building on top of the foundation of Jesus Christ, as well as laying a physical foundation for a building to bless the future generations with the Gospel!
Blessings, Godfrey
Campus Renovation Update (Feb 14, 2024)
This summer, the world will once again tune in for one of sports greatest spectacles--the Summer Olympic Games. One of the most exciting events is the hurdles--athletes sprinting at full speed while jumping over tall obstacles placed along their lane. Every successful hurdle is one less obstacle on the way to the finish line.
On Wednesday evening, Valentine's Day, at Fountain Valley City Hall, our church cleared one major hurdle in the campus renovation campaign: the Planning Commission public hearing. FCBC members who were here 30 years ago may recall that this was not an easy hurdle, as we were trying to move into this new home. But this time, thank God, it was cleared with relative ease.
The City and our neighbors have looked favorably upon our plans to demolish and construct the new "Building C"...or, at the very least, they have been indifferent. The public hearing itself was brief (lasting only a few minutes), the comments and questions from the commissioners were few, and the only people who spoke at the microphone were Percy Cheng, Samuel Lee and Richard Dayton, our architect.
At the end, every commissioner approved our modified CUP application, giving us the green light to proceed with the project. Church members (about 25 in attendance) erupted with applause and exited out into the evening with joy and thanksgiving, praising the Lord!
Many thanks to all who helped get us over the hurdle, including our architects, our primary contact at the city: senior planner Matt Jenkins, and of course, brother Percy and the renovation committee.
The next hurdles to be cleared around the May-June time frame: securing the building permit from the city, and receiving favorable bids from potential contractors. Keep praying! If all goes according to schedule, demolition will take place right around the same time that Tia Jones, Grant Holloway and others represent the USA in the 60 meter hurdles at the Olympics.
Pastor Godfrey
Campus Renovation Update (January 30, 2024)
Dear FCBC Friends and Family,
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior! After six years of praying, drawing, planning and meetings, we are now in the final stages of our campus renovation project that will culminate with groundbreaking this summer on what we currently call “Building C.”
I know for some of our older members and friends, this wait has been much longer than six years because we first moved into our current Fountain Valley location in 1994. For you “long-timers” the wait has been nearly 30 years!
Building C will be a 20,000 square foot, two-story structure that will house the entire children’s ministry department, the offices, library, restrooms, and a multipurpose hall. The hall will be large enough to eventually become the future sanctuary when the rest of the campus (Buildings A and B) is completed. Until then, it will serve to house all-church gatherings, dining events, children’s activities, recreational and outreach opportunities.
Praise the Lord that the pledges you made in December 2022 and fulfilled last month have been received. Your generosity and commitment to your pledge helped us to exceed the anticipated amount by 2.4%. God is always good! So now, with the funds in hand, we are ready to take the next steps towards the completion of Building C. Here’s what we are anticipating during the next five months or so through Spring 2024:
- City of Fountain Valley (current): Getting final approval from the city for our application to modify the CUP (conditional use permit). As part of the approval process, the city will hold a public hearing during the Planning Commission meeting at City Hall on Wednesday, February 14th at 6:00pm. All church members and friends are urged to attend, especially Fountain Valley residents.
- Construction Documents (February-April): Hiring architects and engineers to create full construction documents that will be used by the builders. These documents are the detailed drawings that will give the contracted workers all the information they need: paint color, materials, specifications, hardware, etc. This step will be the first significant expenditure of the project (>$200,000).
- Church Operational Planning (current): Led by Tim Quon, this committee will be responsible for keeping the church functional before, during and after construction. This includes renting office and bathroom trailers, renting storage containers, planning for moving days and mapping out all of the different functions on campus during construction.
As always, please continue to keep the church and this renovation project in your prayers. And, if you pledged for the June or December 2024 fulfillment dates, thank you for your generosity along with the many others who gave sacrificially to this project.
May we be wholehearted for the Lord even as we begin construction this year. As King David prayed for his son Solomon in 1 Chronicles 29:19 (CSB) 19 Give my son Solomon an undivided heart to keep and to carry out all your commands, your decrees, and your statutes, and to build the building for which I have made provision.
Wholehearted for the Lord,
Pastor Godfrey
Frequently Asked Questions
- What about the rest of the Master Plan?
- The current funding allows for the renovation of Building C only.
- Buildings A and B, on the north side of campus, will be renovated in the future as Phase 2 of the Master Plan.
- How will Building C be used?
- Building C will be used for:
- Offices
- Children’s Classrooms
- Large Multi-Purpose Hall
- All-Church Gatherings, including dining events.
- Indoor Play Area for children.
- Special outreach events (e.g. “Hallelujah Night”).
- Recreation (pickleball, basketball, ping pong).
- Will become our main sanctuary when the rest of the campus is renovated after Phase 2.
- What is the project timeline for the renovation?
- How do I give to this renovation?
- Thank you for your consideration to give to this renovation. You may give as you would normally make any offering: either online or in person. Please specify on your envelope and on the memo line, or in the online dropdown box, that you are giving to the "Building Renovation," choose "Pledge" (if you are fulfilling your December 2022 pledge) or "Non-Pledge" (if not fulfilling a pledge).
- I made a pledge to donate in December 2022; how and when should I fulfill the pledge?
Please fulfill your pledge according to the timetable you initially specified in your December 2022 pledge: 12 Months (December 2023), 18 Months (June 2024) or 24 months (December 2024).
You may fulfill your pledge by giving as you normally would make an offering. Please remember to specify on your envelope and memo line, or in the online dropdown box, "Building Renovation (Pledge)."
- How much more funding do we need to complete the entire Master Plan?
- At this time, we have not yet begun a new pledge campaign, nor do we have any cost estimates for Phase 2 of the Master Plan (to complete Buildings A & B on the northside of campus). We appreciate your feedback and prayers as we currently complete Phase 1, and wait upon the Lord for the right time for Phase 2.
Master Renovation Plan (future phase)