Alpha Omega Koinonia (AOK)
7th - 12th Grade
The teenage years are a very challenging time of life for the youth (as well as their parents). During this time, they experience so many changes in their lives (physically, emotionally, relationally, spiritually, etc), as they are no longer view themselves as children, but aren’t quite adults yet. Having a fellowship group to be a part of each week provides a place for them to be reminded of God’s Word and encourage each other through the challenges of life.
AOK (Alpha Omega Koinonia) meets every Friday for a time of Bible teaching, activities, singing, sharing, prayer, and fellowship. We also have two retreats each year to strengthen their relationships with God and each other, as well as off-campus socials, service projects, and other events.
We would love to have your son or daughter join us. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
Check ChurchCenter to find out more about our Sunday School.