




(馬太 22:37-40; 28:19-20)


  1. 我們相信聖經是神的話語,其原稿文句為上帝所啟示,且完全無誤, 所述真理具有最高權威。六十六卷聖經完全屬於上帝給人的啟示,預 備人行各樣的善事。(提後3:16-17;太5:18; 彼後1:20-21)
  2. 我們相信一個上帝,聖潔且無限完美,以三個不同的位格-聖父,聖 子,聖靈(三位一體) 的方式,愛中合一,永恆共存。上帝在祂之外, 是所有之物的創造者,具有無限的智慧,權柄和能力。(申6:4; 提前 2:5; 林前8:6; 約17:11; 太28:19-20; 林後13:14; 西1:16; 約1:1,14, 約 10:30)
  3. 我們相信耶穌基督因聖靈受孕,由童貞女瑪利亞所生。上帝永恆的兒 子,道成肉身,是完全的神,也是完全的人,完美和諧存在於一體。 (太1:18-23;約1:1;腓2:6-8;來1:3;約壹5:20) 耶穌基督完全無罪,因世 人的罪被釘十字架,成為贖罪祭。(林前5:21) 他被埋葬,但上帝使他 三日之後從死裡復活。(林前15:4) 耶穌肉身昇天,與父神同在,也必 將再來,統治神的國度。(約14:2-3)
  4. 我們相信世人完全的敗壞,人乃是按照上帝的形象所造,因犯罪而墮 落,與神的關係破裂。我們相信這種靈性的死亡,導致全人類敗壞, 唯有一人基督耶穌除外。(創1:26,2:17,6:5;詩14:1-3 ,51:5; 耶17:9; 約 3:6,5:40,6:35;羅3:10-19,8:6-7;弗2:1-3;提前5:6;約壹3:8)
  5. 我們相信救恩唯靠上帝恩典,唯靠對神的信心,唯靠耶穌基督。(弗 2:8-9) 藉著信心我們與基督聯合,所有的罪得赦免,基督完全的義歸 於信徒名下,(約壹1:9) 從而進入神的家中,成為兒女。(羅8:15;弗 1:5) 每個信徒現在生活在天父的慈愛與眷顧之中,將與基督一同承受 永不朽壞的基業。(來12:6;弗1:11; 西1:12;彼前1:4)
  6. 我們相信活潑,得救的信心必然會淨化人心,改變生命。(路9:23; 雅 1:17) 屬靈成長即需要我們展示信心,也需要上帝在我們身上的工作。 (腓2:12-15) 上帝藉著祂的話語(可4:20;提前4:16;提後3:17)和聖靈超然 的能力(羅8:9-11; 林前3:15; 林後3:18;提後1:14)改變我們的生命。
  7. 我們相信聖靈,居住在信徒心中,確實改變著信徒的心思,意念和生 命。每個信徒在信主之時,皆受聖靈之洗。(林前12:13) 聖靈之洗只有 一次,但聖靈充滿卻是反復多次的。(弗5:8) 聖靈而且按照自己的意思 將屬靈恩賜分派各個信徒,為要人受益,(林前12:7) 使眾人成聖順服 基督,並藉著他們榮耀父神。(約16 :7-11; 加5:22-23; 彼前1:2)
  8. 我們相信教會是由信徒組成的團體,藉著跟隨基督的榜樣,尊崇順服 天父。(徒2:42-47;弗5:22-25;太16:18;林前12:12-27; 弗1:22-23) 教會 的使命就是完成基督所託付的福音大使命。(太28:19-20)
  9. 我們相信浸禮和聖餐是教會當遵守的兩個聖儀,浸禮是內心改變的外 在標記,(羅6:3-4) 使信徒進入與基督的救贖聯合。這乃是與基督及他 的身體-教會的聯合,浸禮正是這聯合的見證與慶賀。(林前12:12-13; 西2:12) 所有的信徒都要蒙召受浸。(太28:19-20;徒2:38) 聖餐是基督 所設立的,為的是記念他因救贖而死,同時不斷地提醒並慶賀我們與 他的聯合,以及與其他信徒在主裡的合一。(路22:19-20; 林前11:26)
  10. 我們相信所有已經接受耶穌的信徒在死後立即與主同在,當耶穌基督 再來之時,他們以新的身體復活,進入上帝的國度,並享受完美之慈 愛、喜樂、平安的永生。(林後5:8; 帖前4:13-17; 啟21:1-22:6)
  11. 我們相信上帝的審判,每個不認識基督的人都是有罪之人,(羅3:23) 那些在今生堅決拒絕耶穌的人,將從死里復活,在上帝寶座面前接受審 判,並在永恆之中忍受不可言喻、無休無止的痛苦折磨。(啟20:11-15) 唯一得救的希望就是相信耶穌基督。(徒17:30)
  12. 我們相信上帝在人類歷史的目的就是建立祂在全地的統治和祂的永恆 國度。在當今時代,所有信徒都會經歷上帝國度的屬靈祝福,如因為承 認並順服基督君王權柄所帶來的能力。但只有當基督再來,在地上建立 上帝國度之時,上帝的計劃才會完全實現。信徒將領受復活的身體,並 享受完美之慈愛、喜樂、平安的永生。屆時,萬膝將跪拜,萬口將承認 耶穌是主。(創1:28; 太6:10,19:28-30; 腓2:10; 啟21)


One of the necessary elements of the ministry plan is a value statement. It answers "why we do what we do." In the case of our church, FCBC, Fountain Valley, the values are grounded in the Scriptures. We have preached on this from Acts 2:42-47.  

Simply stated, we are committed to the following core values:


  1. Our Commission:  We are committed to honoring and pleasing our God and our Savior, Jesus Christ by obeying His commandments and carrying out The Great Commission.  (1 Cor. 10:31; Phil. 1:9-11; Col. 1:10; Heb. 13:21; 1 Pet. 4:11; Matt. 22:37-40)
    • The first commandment is to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, and mind.  (Matt. 22:37-38; Mark 12:28-30)
    • The second commandment is that we love one another.  (Matt. 22:39; Mark 12:31,33; 1 John 3:23b)
    • The Great Commission is " Go therefore ... make disciples ... baptizing ... teaching to observe all ... I commanded."  (Matt. 28:19-20)
  2. Worship:  We are committed to the praising and worshipping of God together (church, families ...) and as individual believers.  (Exodus 3:12; Acts 2:47; Rom. 12:1-2; Heb. 13:15-16)
  3. Preaching and Teaching:  We are committed to the preaching, teaching, and the applying of God's Word for the transforming of individual lives, families, church, and the community, i.e., what the Bible teaches takes precedence over human opinion and church tradition.  (Acts 2:42; Matt. 28:19-20; 2 Tim. 3:15-17; James 1:22)
  4. Prayer:  We are committed to pray -- as individuals, as a family, and as a corporate body. (Acts 2:42; 1 Thes. 5:16; Matt. 7:7, 18:19; James 5:13-16)
  5. Fellowship:  We are committed to the sharing (partnership) of, caring for, and building up of one another in Christ as a community and in small groups.  (Acts 2:42,44; John 13:34-35; Rom. 15:2; 1 Cor. 12:25-27; Eph. 4:15-16)
  6. Ministry:  We are committed to encouraging and training every Christian to utilize their spiritual gifts and to be engaged in good works.  (Eph. 4:11-13)
  7. Evangelism:  We are committed to the proclamation of the Good News of Jesus Christ, first to the Asian community in Orange County, then our nation, finally to the world and making them committed disciples of Christ.  (Acts 1:8; Acts 2:47; Matt. 28:19-20)
  8. Multi-cultural:  We are committed first to a bilingual ministry of English and Chinese speaking, then to other ethnic groups.  (Acts 2:6; Acts 1:8)
  9. Excellence:  We are committed to a Biblical standard of excellence and effectiveness in our ministries  (Rom. 12:6-8; Col. 3:23; 1 Thes. 4:1; 1 Cor. 10:31)



The name of this corporation is “First Chinese Baptist Church, Fountain Valley”. It is located at 16835 Brookhurst Street, Fountain Valley, California 92708.


The objective of this corporation is the worship of the Almighty God, the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the edification of believers, the promotion of Christian fellowship, and the advancement of the cause of Christ to all the world.

The purpose of this corporation, hereafter referred to as this Church, shall be to develop an autonomous local church in accordance with the New Testament.

Download the full Constitution and Corporate Bylaws (last amended on July 17, 2022)