2023 家庭退修會


陳國儀醫師 714.267.3069
林李惠靈醫師 714.351.7902


如果在營時您需要車輛幫助,請聯繫 張泰中


8:00 AM Leaders Check-In
9:00 AM Setup 預備場地
Receive Wrist Bands 領取腕帶
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
10:00 - 10:45
Welcome 歡迎, Worship, 敬拜
9:45 - 12:00

11:00 - 11:50 Message 1 信息 1

11:00 - 11:50 Children #1 / Youth #1 兒童/青少年

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Lunch 午餐
1:15 PM All-Retreat Photo 拍全體照
Check-in Receive Room Keys 註冊領取房間鑰匙
2:30 PM - 5:00 PM 2:30 - 3:30 Prayer Workshop (Hormel Hall)

Recreation (1:30-5:00):
Mears Lake: Swimming, Boating, Water Slide & Blob
Canyon Park: Sky Trail & Giant Swing

Counselor 1-1's
(4:00 - 5:00) Counseling & Prayer with Pastors 個別輔導及禱告
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Dinner 晚餐
6:30 PM - 9:20 PM
6:45 - 7:25
Announcements, Worship 敬拜
6:30 - 9:20

7:35 - 8:25 - Message 信息 2

7:35 - 9:00 - Children #2 / Youth #2 兒童/青少年

8:45 - 9:10 - Small Groups 小組
9:20 PM Snacks 點心, Fellowship 交通
10:00 PM Cabin Time 分享時間
11:00 PM Bedtime 睡覺時間 (Counselors, please enforce)
6:30 AM Morning Devotionals 晨更
7:15 AM - 8:00 AM Guided Prayer 引導禱告 (Hormel Hall)
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Breakfast 早餐
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
9:15 - 9:55
Announcements, Worship 敬拜
9:00 - 12:00
Nur/PreK 嬰兒/幼兒

10:10 - 11:00 Message 信息 #3

10:10 - 11:45 - Children #3 / Youth #3 兒童/青少年

11:00 - 11:45 - Small Groups 小組

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Lunch 午餐
1:30 PM - 5:00 PM
1:30 Arts & Crafts 手工 (Hurtt Hall)

Recreation (1:30-5:00):
Mears Lake: Swimming, Boating, Water Slide & Blob
Canyon Park: Sky Trail & Giant Swing

Counselor 1-1's
(4:00 PM - 5:00 PM) Counseling & Prayer with Pastors 個別輔導及禱告
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Dinner 晚餐
6:45 PM - 9:10 PM
6:45 - 8:00 Praise Presentation (No Nursery/Prek) 讚美之夜
8:10 - 9:10 - Children #4 兒童 8:10 - 9:10 - Testimonies 見証
(No Nursery/Prek)
Youth testimonies will be at outdoor bonfire.
9:20 PM Snacks 點心, Fellowship 交通
10:00 PM Cabin Time 分享時間
11:00 PM Bedtime 睡覺時間 (Counselors, please enforce)
6:30 AM Morning Devotionals 晨更
7:15 AM - 8:00 AM Guided Prayer 引導禱告 (Hormel Hall)
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Breakfast 早餐
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
9:15 - 9:55
Worship 敬拜
9:00 - 11:10
Nur/PreK 嬰兒/幼兒

10:10 - 11:00 - Message 信息 #4

10:10 - 11:00 - Children #5 / Youth #4 兒童/青少年

11:15 - All-Retreat Closing, Slideshow, Thanksgiving 結束營會, 影片, 感恩
Children's Presentation 兒童表演

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Lunch 午餐
1:00 PM Checkout 退房 / Go Home 回家



  • 彼此一同無論何時何地禱告


  • 利用每一個機會來榮耀神及祝福營會裡的弟兄姊妹.


  • 安全第一! 看管及知道你的孩子所在
  • 嚴禁: 不雅言語, 抽煙, 酒, 色情刊物


  • 尊重他人,請保持安靜. 特別在晚上十時至早上八時之間, 十一時後不准離開房間.
  • 年青人不可進入異性宿舍


  • 崇拜和一般聚會中,手機必須關閉或在震盪訊號.
  • 以崇敬神聖的方式使用電子儀器.




  • 大聲說出你的姓名及簡介.
  • 簡短: 不超過三分鐘.
  • 公開承認耶穌基督,如果你接受及相信祂或是與祂重建關係.


  • 用禱告開始
  • 個人見證 – 分享你的信心經歷, 你的家庭,人生的挑戰和喜樂, 為什麼你來參加家庭夏令營.
  • 禱告 – 彼此代禱, 為營會禱告.
  • 分享最近的經歷,讚美祂的作為或引用聖經話語


你曾經在生活中經歷過這種非常令人迷失的五秒鐘經歷嗎?就是有一天你醒來時,不知道自己在哪裡,是什麼日期或時間?!在那短暫的五秒鐘裡,你感到恐慌——或者至少是在 一個輕微的“異次元”中——直到你的大腦趕上你的視覺,將你所看到的與你短期記憶中 的事實聯繫起來。然後你意識到,“好了,一切都沒事;我知道自己在哪裡(或者知道是 什麼時間或日期)!”

我們教會今年的年度主題,也是這次退修會的主題,是“主開我眼”,基於耶穌對保羅在 去往大馬色的路上所說的話(使徒行傳26:18)。當保羅被那耀眼的光芒和嘹亮的聲音所 致盲時,他當時會有何種感受?當亞拿尼亞親手給他按手,鱗片從他眼睛上脫落時,他的 心中又是怎樣的思緒?對他來說,成為一名基督徒而不是迫害基督徒者,這種轉變必定讓 他感到非常迷惘!

​​​​​​你們當中有些人很久以前就 "睜開了眼睛",看到了耶穌基督的真實和慈愛;而對於另一些 人,這是最近才有的領悟。還有一些人尚未體驗到見證耶穌為主和個人救主所帶來的生命 改變。讓我們思考一下耶穌對那些睜開眼睛並信靠祂的人所說的話:使徒行傳26:18中寫道:"開他們的眼睛,叫他們從黑暗中歸向光明,從撒但權下歸向神,又因信我得赦罪,和一切成聖的人同得基業。" 睜開眼睛看見耶穌,意味著生命得到了改變!



我祈禱這個週末,我們每個人都能在神的話語和聖靈的感動下有所迷惘。也許主會在這個 週末的某個五秒的片刻中與我們說話——或者在一次講道或安靜的時刻裡。但是...在那 五秒過後,我們不要回到舊的生活方式,而是讓我們重新定位到一種新的生活方式!願我 們因為耶穌的榮耀使我們目眩神迷,看見祂的威嚴和榮耀,而甦醒到一個全新的現實!



English Speaker – Dr. Ryan Peterson
Ryan Peterson is a Christian husband, father, and teacher of theology. He loves Jesus. Ryan and Christy have been married for 24 years, and they have four children, Mercy (16), Comfort (15), Patience (10), and Justice (10). They are members of Redeemer Church, La Mirada. Ryan is an associate professor of theology at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, and has been on the faculty at Talbot for 8 years. He is committed to helping the church know and love the God of the gospel on the basis of Scripture. Prior to joining the Talbot faculty, Ryan taught at Moody Bible Institute and Cedarville University. He holds degrees from Wheaton College, the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, Biola University, and  Moody Bible Institute.
陳世協牧師在馬來西亞出生。1983年在 新加坡神學院畢業。在馬來西亞事奉兩 年,後到美國繼續神學訓練,到加州的 Talbot神學院深造。他曾在芳泉谷第一 華人浸信會當副牧師,服事七年,一直 到神感動他回到亞洲,自己的母校教學。

陳牧師獻身於神學教育有十八年的時間 。在2006-2014年, 他接受了神學院院 長的職位。 按著神的心意,完成他在亞 洲的服事。神繼續帶領他在2014年九月 回到洛杉磯,成為核桃市第一華人浸信 會的主任牧師。


他和妻子 Rebecca育有兩位已成年的子女,Jeremy 和 Adeline。
Children's Speaker - Auntie Lois Sherwin
Lois accepted Christ at age 5 with her Mom. Coming to Christ as a young child gives her a huge heart for helping connect kids with the love and forgiveness of Jesus, and the joy of life in Him.

Lois grew up volunteering in Kids Ministry and has served in full time vocational kids ministry since 1996.

Lois is very happily married to the newly retired Dr. Nick Sherwin, who served 26 years as Strategy Professor at Biola University. They have two adult children, Jennifer and Nick Jr, a beautiful daughter in love, Meghan, and three precious grandchildren, Lillie, Eva, and Lachlan.

Lois grew up in Southern California. She lived for two glorious years in the Pocono Mountains of Northeast PA. Lois currently serve as Children's Pastor at Creekside Christian Church in Elk  Grove, CA, close to her son and his family!

Lois enjoys hiking, reading, baking, swimming, biking and listening to Nick play music. She is a certified scuba diver and loves the ocean. She is a DMin student at Talbot School of Theology studying Spiritual Formation and Soul Care as it relates to children and families.

Favorite Verse: “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” John 3:16-17

Life Verses: And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose! Romans 8:28

Deuteronomy 6:4-9 “Hear, O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD is one! You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be as frontals on your forehead. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.
Youth Speaker – Pastor Mathiew Pau
Mathieu Pau is an associate pastor helping with Small Groups and Discipleship at Lighthouse Community Church in Torance, CA. In his time at Lighthouse, he has come to appreciate the love and care of the elders and staff. He is also encouraged by the familial and discipleship culture at the church. In his spare time, he enjoys strength sports (powerlifting and olympic weightlifting in particular), amateur carpentry, sports (though good at none), reading, coffee, listening to 90’s and early 00’s R&B, and spending time with his wife, Lisa, and children, Harper, Lucy, and Judah. He has an MDiv. from The Master's Seminary (graduated with Pastor Steven!), and counseling certification through ACBC and counseling certificates through  CCEF. His family would love to get to know you, so please say hello!


中文信息 – 陳世協牧師


信息一∶堅定我們的信仰 | 經文∶路24:1-12
信息二∶踏上我們的旅程 | 經文﹕路24:13-27

English Adult Messages – Dr. Ryan Peterson

Complete English Message Outlines & Small Group Questions

Saturday Morning, August 5

“從黑暗到光明:在基督耶穌裡的創造和救贖” | 西 3:1-11

Saturday Evening, August 5

“憑信耶穌基督而成聖:為神的臨被造” | 來 10:19-25

Youth Messages – Pastor Mathieu Pau

Complete Youth Message Outlines & Small Group Questions

Saturday Morning, August 5

Session 1 – Introduction: Stewarding All That We Have (Matthew 25:14-30)
KEY IDEA: In this fallen world, we are all afflicted in various ways. But rather than be hopeless victims of circumstance, we can find hope when we seek to honor God by being faithful stewards of what He has sovereignly placed in our lives.

Saturday Evening, August 5

Session 2 – Anger: What’s Got You All Worked Up? (James 4:1-12)
KEY IDEA: When we are angry, God gives us grace to respond in Christ-like ways.

Children’s Schedule & Messages – Auntie Lois Sherwin

Key Verse: “To open their eyes. I want you to turn them from darkness to light. I want you to turn them from Satan’s power to GOD. I want their sins to be forgiven. They will be forgiven when they believe in me. They will have their place among God’s people.” Acts 26:18 (NIrV)

Saturday Morning, August 5

Zoom – The Book of Genesis
Big Idea: Jesus defeated sin, so we can have a friendship with God.
Bible Basis: The Book of Genesis
Key Verse: “Nothing at all can separate us from God’s Love. That’s because of what Christ Jesus our Lord has done.” Romans 8:39b (NIrV)

Saturday Evening, August 5

Zoom – The Book of Exodus
Big Idea: God has the power to provide, so we can trust that He will give us all we need.
Bible Basis: The Book of Exodus
Key Verse: “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19 (NIV)

中文信息 – 陳世協牧師


信息三∶追尋我們的復興 | 經文﹕路24:28-35

English Adult Messages – Dr. Ryan Peterson

Complete English Message Outlines & Small Group Questions

Sunday Morning, August 6

“Knowing and Loving God and God’s People” Genesis 1:26-28

Youth Messages – Pastor Mathieu Pau

Complete Youth Message Outlines & Small Group Questions

Sunday Morning, August 6

Session 3 – Depression: When the Darkness Won’t Lift (Psalm 42-43)
KEY IDEA: Depression often feels hopeless. Yet God gives us hope to live faithfully in the midst of the darkness.

Children’s Schedule & Messages – Auntie Lois Sherwin

Key Verse: “To open their eyes. I want you to turn them from darkness to light. I want you to turn them from Satan’s power to GOD. I want their sins to be forgiven. They will be forgiven when they believe in me. They will have their place among God’s people.” Acts 26:18 (NIrV)

Sunday Morning, August 6

Zoom – The Book of Leviticus
Big Idea: Jesus is the ultimate atonement, so we can put our faith in Him.
Bible Basis: The Book of Leviticus
Key Verse: “Jesus is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.” 1 John 2:2 (NIV)

Sunday Evening, August 6

Zoom – The Book of Numbers
Big Idea: God takes sin seriously, so we should live our life His way.
Bible Basis: The Book of Numbers
Key Verse:“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23 (NIV)

中文信息 – 陳世協牧師


信息四∶持續我們的旅途 | 經文﹕路24: 36-53

English Adult Messages – Dr. Ryan Peterson

Complete English Message Outlines & Small Group Questions

Monday Morning, August 7

信息四 “被差派為耶穌基督的福音見證人” | 林後 5:14-21

Youth Messages – Pastor Mathieu Pau

Complete Youth Message Outlines & Small Group Questions

Monday Morning, August 7

Session 4 – Anxiety: Gripped by Fear (Luke 12:22-34)
KEY IDEA: God doesn’t condemn our fears, but he encourages us to move toward Him with trust even in the midst of our fears.

Children’s Schedule & Messages – Auntie Lois Sherwin

Key Verse: “To open their eyes. I want you to turn them from darkness to light. I want you to turn them from Satan’s power to GOD. I want their sins to be forgiven. They will be forgiven when they believe in me. They will have their place among God’s people.” Acts 26:18 (NIrV)

Monday Morning, August 7

Zoom – The Book of Deuteronomy
Big Idea: God takes care of us, so we should remember the many things He has done.
Bible Basis: The Book of Deuteronomy
Key Verse: “Remember the days of long ago. Think about what the LORD did through those many years.” Deuteronomy 32:7 (NIrV)


Children’s Morning Devotions

Thank God for this day. Thank God for FCBCFV Family Retreat.
  • What was your favorite part we studied from the book of Genesis?
  • What did you learn about God from our Saturday morning study?
  • Read Genesis 1:26-31. Draw a picture of the story or write to God your favorite part of the story and why you liked it.
  • After people sinned, God didn’t just give up on them. Why do you think that is?
  • Thank God for creating the world and creating you. Thank God for the gift of Jesus.
  • Children’s Morning Devotions

    Tell God Good Morning. Thank Him for this beautiful day. Thank Him for His great love for you. Thank Him for your church and your family.
  • What two books of the Bible did we study yesterday? _____________________ & _____________________
  • What is one thing you remember about our Bible time yesterday?
  • Do you remember one of our verses from our 2023 family retreat? Write it below.
  • Remember God loves you unconditionally! Thank God for loving you and tell God you love Him.
  • 家庭退修會同工


    Worship Song Leader & Musicians 崇拜帶領和樂 隊 Katie Leong, Nathan Kwong, Venus Tong, Matthew Tong, Mike Nguyen, Weiwen Li, Chi Ming, Michael Wong, Percy Cheng, Meng Fan Cheng, Caleb Cheng, Josephine Yee, Chelsea, Lin Zheng, Albert Weng, Fred & Vivien Lee.
    Messages 信息 Dr. Ryan Peterson, Pastor Albert Ting, Pastor Mathieu Pau, Auntie Lois Sherwin.
    Interpreters 翻譯員 Pastor David Lin, Annie Chow, Polly Sequeira, Patrick Sum.
    Praise & Presentation 讚美之夜 Albert & Melanie Weng, Katie Leong.
    Testimony Night 見証 Pastor Godfrey Hom
    Pray for Meals 謝飯禱告 Kent Lee family, Lannie Quan family, Kevin & Cathy Lai, Beverly Tam, Conrad Shiao family, Sharon Yung family, Kelly Deng family


    Little Kids’ Camp 嬰兒 / 幼兒 Debbie Yau, Stacey Hom, Carren Chang, Roxy Chan, Nathaniel Chang, Sarah Hom, Stephen Lam, Stephanie Lam, Albert & Melanie Weng, Katie Lee, Ada Cheng, Adrienne Lee, Angie Lee, Jennifer Lee, Jenny Sy-Munoz, Matthew Chan.
    Children's Program 兒童節目 Pastor Steven Lee, George Chiu
    Youth Camp 青少年 Pastor Steven Lee, Scott Lee
    Counselors 青少年輔導員 Caleb Cheng, George Chiu, Brian Hong, Thien Han Nguyen, Jeffery Nguyen, Edward Pauw, Robert Sie, Jeffrey Sie, Matthew Tong, Jonas Choi, Nathan Kwong, Scott Lee, Michael Nguyen, Tony Nguyen. Crystal Peng, Chris Wong, Josephine Yee, Marsha Kwong, Samantha Wong
    Small Group Discussion Coordinators 小組安排 Jenny Sy-Munoz, Pastor Frank Cheng, Pastor David Lin
    Small Group Discussion Leaders 小組帶領 Pastor Tony Lin, Conrad Shiao, Lorden Chang, Michael Wong. Rose Lee, Dana Nguyen, Lynnette Woo, Michelle Sha. Chi Ming, Daniel Lim, Lin Zheng. Cathy Niu, Rachel Li, Erica Wu, Yang Ying (Judy). Victor Siu, Wai-Mui Lau, Albert Choi, Edith Lee
    Ushering-Greeting 招待 Wei-wen Li, Roger Peng


    Craft手工 Dian Choi, Naomi Suzuki
    Camp Photo團體照 LiHui Hsu, Roger Peng
    Slide Show影片 Nathaniel Chang, Chris Wong


    Brochure, Banner, etc. 小冊,旗幟,雜項 Melanie Weng
    Promotion 推動 Percy Cheng, Joseph Chan, Danny Choi
    Registration 報名 Melissa Sum, Connie Chen, Jenny Sy-Munoz, Debbie Yau, Juny I, Christine Siu
    Audio/Visual 視聽 Jonas Choi, Robert Sie, Caleb Cheng, LiHui Hsu, Wynstan Tong
    Handbook & Translation 手冊 Patrick Sum, Dian Choi
    Camp Info Microsite 網路 Scott Lee
    Check-in 註冊 Melissa Sum, Debbie Yau, Dave Yune, Jared Yune, Jenny Sy-Munoz, Judy Li
    Hospitality 招待 Nipa Halim
    Snacks/Refreshment 點心 Erica Wu, Min-Hsiu Chen, WeiWen & Judy Li, Meng-Fen Cheng, Teresa Sha, Cindy Zheng
    Medical 醫療 (714) 267-3069 Drs. Joseph Chan, Renee Lin, Josephine Chen
    Camp Shuttle 車輛接送 TC Chang
    Name Tags 名籤 Patrick & Melissa Sum
    Camp Planning 家庭夏令營安排 Pastors Godfrey, Frank, David; Connie Chen, Debbie Yau, Albert & Melanie Weng, Patrick & Melissa Sum.
