2021 - Church Family Retreat
2021 家庭退修會
如果有任何醫療緊急情況,立即通知教會領袖,請聯絡營地工作人員,並要求 911 服務。
如果在營時您需要車輛幫助,請聯繫 張泰中 – (714) 661-4565
9:00 AM | Setup Receive wrist bands |
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM |
12:10 PM - 1:30 PM | 午 餐 | ||||||
(1:40 PM) 拍全體照 | |||||||
Check-in Recieve room keys | |||||||
1:30 PM - 5:00 PM | Recreation Options: Main Pool; Canyon Park: Sky Trail and Giant Swing Counseling: Counselor 1-1's (4:00 PM - 5:00 PM) 個別輔導及禱告 |
5:30 PM - 6:50 PM | 晚 餐 | ||||||
7:00 PM - 9:15 PM |
9:15 PM | 點 心, 交 通 | ||||||
10:00 PM | 分享時間 | ||||||
11:00 PM | 睡覺時間 |
6:30 AM | Morning Devotionals | ||||||
7:15 AM - 8:00 AM | 引導禱告 (Sanctuary) | ||||||
8:00 AM - 9:20 AM | 早 餐 | ||||||
9:30 AM - 12:00 PM |
12:10 PM - 1:30 PM | 午 餐 | ||||||
1:30 PM - 5:00 PM | Recreation Options: Mears Lake: Swimming, Boating, Water Slide and Blob Crafts: (3:00 PM on Sunday Only) 手 工 Counseling: Counselor 1-1's (4:00 PM - 5:00 PM) 個別輔導及禱告 |
5:30 PM - 6:50 PM | 晚 餐 | ||||||
7:00 PM - 9:15 PM |
9:15 PM | 點 心, 交 通 | ||||||
10:00 PM | 分享時間 | ||||||
11:00 PM | 睡覺時間 |
6:30 AM | Morning Devotionals | ||||||||
7:15 AM - 8:00 AM | 引導禱告 (Sanctuary) | ||||||||
8:00 AM - 9:20 AM | 早 餐 | ||||||||
9:30 AM - 12:00 PM |
12:10 PM - 1:30 PM | 午 餐 | ||||||||
1:30 PM | Checkout, Free Time / Go Home | ||||||||
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM | Recreation Options: Mears Lake: Boat and Paddle Boards Only |
- 彼此一同無論何時何地禱告參與
- 利用每一個機會來榮耀神及祝福營會裡的弟兄姊妹.
- 安全第一! 看管及知道你的孩子所在
- 嚴禁: 不雅言語, 抽煙, 酒, 色情刊物
- 尊重他人,請保持安靜. 特別在晚上十時至早上八時之間, 十一時後不准離開房間.
- 年青人不可進入異性宿舍
- 崇拜和一般聚會中,手機必須關閉或在震盪訊號.
- 以崇敬神聖的方式使用電子儀器.
- 以電子方式提供 Forest Home 緊急情況和歡迎介紹
- 大聲說出你的姓名及簡介.
- 簡短: 不超過三分鐘.
- 公開承認耶穌基督,如果你接受及相信祂或是與祂重建關係.
- 用禱告開始
- 個人見證 – 分享你的信心經歷, 你的家庭,人生的挑戰和喜樂, 為什麼你來參加家庭夏令營.
- 禱告 – 彼此代禱, 為營會禱告.
- 分享最近的經歷,讚美祂的作為或引用聖經話語
歡迎你來到 “森林之家”. 已有兩年沒有一起 “渡假”了. 所以今年的退修會是加倍的特別!
今年教會主題和退修會主題是 “現今更當如此”出自希伯來書 10:24-25節. 勉勵弟兄姊妹 “不要停止聚會”更要 “彼此勸勉”, “那日子臨近”, 就更當如此.
很不幸新冠疫情仍繼續阻礙我們的聚會. 所以, 力勸每一個人充分利用我們在一起的時間. 不知道我們的聚會還有多少次被新冠或其他原因打擾.所以, 讓我們有靈性上的迫切性, 好好利用在一起的時間, 這五十五小時的相聚.
請你花點時間問一下你接觸的人, 神在他們生命的工作, 你如何可以為他們禱告, 當然最好是一起禱告.
請你也花一點時間與某些人玩樂. 你可能會抗議說, “牧師, 與人玩樂不是好好利用時間吧!” 我同意, 如果玩樂的目的只在乎勝出, 在比賽中具優勢. 但如果 “玩樂的目標” 是 與其他人在恩典, 忍耐, 和關係上成長, 我相信玩樂也具靈性迫切性. 你們一同玩樂會引致一同禱告.
當我寫此稿子時, Melissa 在家中為她的手肘療傷, 能否參加退修會也未明朗. 讓我們彼此以愛, 以禱告托著她. 我們認為很多事情是理所當然的,但實際上我們永遠不知道將來會是如何. 希望下年夏天仍可以一齊 “渡假”, 但十二個月後可能有些人不能與我們在一起.
所以現今更當如此, 讓我們 “數算自己的日子、好叫我們得著智慧的心。”(詩篇 90:12)
Chinese Messages - Dr Ekron Chen
第一堂:來到神面前(來 4:14-16)
- 我們的大祭司(14)
- 我們的需要(14-15)
- 施恩寶座前 (16)
- 親近神對你來說是什麼一回事?
- 什麼事最容易難阻你來到神面前?
- 跟組員分享一個你最深刻與神親近的經驗。
第二堂:堅守盼望(林前 15:1-58)
- 復活的根基:基督的復活 (1-11)
- 復活的確據:信徒必復活 (12-34)
- 復活的發生:榮耀的盼望 (35-58)
- 在你沮喪的時候,什麼事情會帶給你盼望?(如果可以的話,請分享一個例子。)
- 作為一個基督徒,基督的復活對你有什麼意義?
Youth Messages – Pastor Robert Chan
Message 1Now More Than Ever: Why We Gather (Hebrews 10)
Hebrews 10:24-25 - “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not
neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as
you see the Day drawing near.”
I. Now More Than Ever... Because He Died Once for All (Heb 10:1-18)
II. Now More Than Ever... Because We Need One Another (Heb 10:24-25)
- As the ______ of Christ, we gather to ________ Christ by our love for Him (Eph 5:25-27).
- As the ______ of Christ, we gather to ____________ the body in love (Eph 4:16).
- As a __________ of ________ unto God, we gather to __________ others to God and His gospel (1 Pet 2:9).
Discussion Questions:
- How does remembering Jesus’ sacrifice motivate us to approach God in worship?
- Which biblical picture of the church do you want to better represent: the bride, the body, or the royal priesthood?
Message 2
Now More Than Ever: Finding Rest in God (Genesis 2:1-3)
- Resting on the 7th day reveals the purpose of man: to glorify God by ___________ His ____________ and resting in His _____________.
- God did not rest on the 7th day because ______ not God, but because _______ not God.
- Sabbath is our declaration to the watching world that our ultimate ________ is in the Lord and not in our __________.
- Sabbath is a declaration of our ___________, where we step away from our ____________ work to rest in God’s ____________ work of creation and salvation.
Priorities to Pursue on the Lord’s Day:
Discussion Questions:
1. What are you worried you’ll miss out on if you stop regularly to rest in the Lord’s presence?
2. What are some ways that you can make the Lord’s Day a special time with God?
Children’s Schedule & Messages – Auntie Lois Sherwin
"Now More Than Ever" (Hebrews 10:19-25) – Keep meeting together! We needeach other!
Saturday Morning – The Creation Story – Genesis 1:1 – 2:9
Saturday Evening – Moses and the Burning Bush – Exodus 3:1-20
Memory Verse: Arise, shine; your light has come. The Lord’s glory has shone
upon you. Isaiah 60:1
Chinese Messages - Dr Ekron Chen
- 老生常談? (9-10)
- 以愛為野心 (11)
- 以愛為見証 (12)
- 分享一個感受弟兄姊妹對你的愛最深的經歷。
- 分享一個你對弟兄姊妹表達愛的見証。
Youth Messages – Pastor Robert Chan
Message 3Now More Than Ever: Body Building (Romans 12)
I. One Body, Different Functions (Rom 12:3-8)
II. Outdo One Another (Rom 12:10)
III. Live in Harmony with One Another (Rom 12:16, Col 3:12-16)
IV. Exhort One Another (Heb 3:13)
Discussion Questions:
- What is one specific way that someone in your church has inspired you toward a greater love for Christ?
- Write down the names of three people in your church family that you would like to encourage in the coming months. Consider how you will practically stir them up (Heb 10:24-25).
Children’s Schedule & Messages – Auntie Lois Sherwin
"Now More Than Ever" (Hebrews 10:19-25) – Keep meeting together! We needeach other!
Sunday Message – Faith Through the Roof – Luke 5:17-26
Sunday Evening – The Lost Parables – Luke 15
Memory Verse: Arise, shine; your light has come. The Lord’s glory has shone
upon you. Isaiah 60:1
Chinese Messages - Dr Ekron Chen
第四堂:亂世教會(徒 5:12-42)
- 讓人因神的作為尊重我們(12-16)
- 讓神處理敵擋我們的人(17-26, 33-40)
- 讓自己為主受辱而興奮(27-32, 41-42)
- 對你來說,你的信仰如何影響到你怎樣面對現今混亂的世界?
- 在美國這樣自由舒適的生活環境中,「為主受苦」或「與主同受苦」是什麼意思?
Youth Messages – Pastor Robert Chan
Message 4Now More Than Ever: We Gather to Scatter (Acts 28:16-31)
I. The Gospel Unhindered: When Things Don’t Go Our Way
II. Paul’s Example Under House Arrest
- He __________ Christ at home (Acts 28:16, Phil 1:14-16)
- He __________ connection to the body of Christ (Epistles)
- He __________ others to hear the gospel (Acts 28:17, 23)
- He __________ himself to God’s calling (Acts 28:30-31)
Discussion Questions:
- Think of a something in your life that has not been going your way. How might the Lord be calling you to represent Him in your circumstances?
- How will you take what you’ve received from the Lord during this huddle and implement it on the playing field?
Children’s Schedule & Messages – Auntie Lois Sherwin
"Now More Than Ever" (Hebrews 10:19-25) – Keep meeting together! We need
each other!
Monday Morning – Mary at the Tomb – John 20:1-16
Monday Family Presentation – Song: Genesis 1:1 & Isaiah 60:1
Memory Verse: Arise, shine; your light has come. The Lord’s glory has shone
upon you. Isaiah 60:1
Sunday, August 8 Children’s Morning Devotions
When you wake up, before you do anything else (unless you really have to go to the bathroom)Talk to God, present yourself to God as a living sacrifice, open to Him and His will in all things.
Prayer: “Lord, I am here. I present myself to you. Here I am. God I want to do what you want me to do. Whatever I do today, I want to do in you. I know I am Yours. Be with me today, I open my heart to You. Help me to do Your will. Thank you that You love me. I love you.”
A Humongous Love
God created human beings in His image. Genesis 1:27
Have you ever thought about how much God loves you? You could spend your whole life thinking about it and still never understand how humongous God’s love for you is.
For starters, God made you in His own image! Just think about that! God wanted you to look like Him – maybe not on the outside, but in your heart and soul. Then think about how God created every treasure in the universe, but He says you’re worth way more than any of them. In fact, you’re so special to God that He wants to talk to you and to be part of every single moment of your life. He wants to fill you up with His love so full that when other people look at you, they see His love (Matthew 5:16).
So if you ever wonder what you’re worth, remember this: God created you. He loves you, and He says you belong to Him (Isaiah 43:1). You are the best of God’s creation!
Thank God for loving you with such a humongous love!
Today with Jesus…Think about how much God loves you.
Monday, August 9 Children’s Morning Devotions
When you wake up, before you do anything else (unless you really have to go to the bathroom)
Talk to God, present yourself to God as a living sacrifice, open to Him and His will in all things.
Prayer: “Lord, I am here. I present myself to you. Here I am. God I want to do what you want me to do. Whatever I do today, I want to do in you. I know I am Yours. Be with me today, I open my heart to You. Help me to do Your will. Thank you that You love me. I love you.”
Now read this.
Praise God
Come, let us bow down and worship God. Let’s kneel before the Lord who made us. He is our God. Psalm 95:6-7
Every day is full of good things and not-so-good things. It’s tempting to let the not-so-good things take over your thoughts and stress you out. Don’t do that.
Think about God instead, and how He’s able to help you, no matter what you face (Romans 8:37). Think about who God is, and worship Him. Remember all that He’s done for you in the past and praise Him. Thank Him for sending Jesus to save you and for all the ways He takes care of you, protects you, and loves you so very much! Open up the Bible and read about all the ways God has helped His people. Thank God for using His great power in your life – just as He did for Moses, Abraham, Esther, the Crippled Man, and more. Because when you remember how big God is, then your troubles seem so much smaller. Stay close to God, and nothing will be able to stand against you.
Prayer: God, You are the most powerful, the most wise, and the most loving, and I praise you! Thank you for loving me. I love You, amen.
Today with Jesus…think about the great power and might of God.
崇拜帶領和樂隊 | Vocalists: Venus Tong, Fred & Vivien Lee, Percy & Ming-fen Cheng; Musicians: Manfredi Lee, Matthew Tong, Mike Nguyen, Josephine Yee |
帶領崇拜的家庭 | Samuel & Manfredi Lee family, Ruth & Debbie and family, Lin Zheng & Chelsea family, Wei-wan & Judy Li family |
信 息 | Pastor Derek Quan, Dr. Ekron Chen, Pastor Robert Chan, Auntie Lois Sherwin |
翻譯員 | Annie Chow, Polly Sequeira, Philip Huang |
讚美之夜 | Pastor Godfrey Hom |
見 証 | Pastor Godfrey Hom |
謝飯禱告 | Stacey Hom, Renee Lin, Jack & Aaron Nguyen, Joshua Do, Su Chen, Roger Peng, George Chiu |
嬰 兒/幼 兒 | Stacey Hom, Carren Chang |
兒童節目 | Uncle George Chiu |
青少年 | Pastor Steven Lee, Scott Lee |
青少年輔導員 | Nathaniel Chang, Caleb Cheng, Carter Chi, Ben Chi, Uncle George, Jonas Choi, Peter Kim, Scott Lee, Mike Nguyen, Thien Han Nguyen, Tony Nguyen, Tim Nguyen, Robert Sie, Matthew Tong Elizabeth Huang, Michelle Park, Chris Wong, Josephine Yee |
小組安排 | Rose Lee, Philip & Carol Huang, Dian Choi |
小組帶領 | Kevin Lee, Samuel Lee, Jeff Yeh, Michael Wong Nipa Halim/Dana Nguyen, Renee Lin, Ruth Chi, Elaine Wong Daniel Lim, Lin Zheng, Grace Lim, Judy Yang, Christine Lee, Erica Wu Dian Choi, Annie Chow, Polly Sequeira, Emily Ta |
招 待 | Lin Zheng, Samuel Lee, Alex Chi, Ben Chi, Carter Chi, Katie Ma, Joshua Li, WeiWen Li, Roger Peng, Wystan Tong |
手 工 | Naomi Suzuki, Christi Chiu |
團體照 | TC Chang, LiHui Hsu, Roger Peng |
影 片 | Nathaniel Chang |
標誌設計 | Adrienne Lee |
小 冊,旗 幟,雜 項 | Rose Chan |
推 動 | LiHui / Ruth Chi, Carter, Alex & Lauren; Wystan & Venus Tong; Debbie & Josh |
報 名 | Melissa Sum, Debbie Yau, Jenny Sy-Munoz, Judy Yang |
視 聽 | Jonas Choi, Peter Kim, Carter Chi, Caleb Cheng, LiHui Hung |
手 冊 | Patrick Sum |
翻 譯 | Dian Choi |
網 路 | Scott Lee |
註 冊 | Rose Lee, Suan Fung, Jenny Sy-Munoz, Ruth Chi |
招 待 | Nipa Halim |
點 心 | Carol Huang, MinHsiu Chen |
醫 療 (714) 606-2293 | Drs. Al Lee, Peter Fung, Josephine Chen, Daniel Lim |
車輛接送 | TC Chang, Wynstan Tong |
名 籤 | Ruth Chi and family |
家庭夏令營安排 | Patrick & Melissa Sum |