2019 家庭夏令營

6月 28日 - 7月 1日, 星期五 - 星期一

at Murietta Hot Springs Conference Center


如果您需要醫療幫助,請聯繫 陳國儀醫師 – (714) 267-3069.

如果有任何醫療緊急情況,立即通知教會領袖,請聯絡營地工作人員,並要求 911 服務。

如果在營時您需要車輛幫助,請聯繫 易正坤 – (949) 533-5852.



每一家庭需要夏令營. 每一家庭來此找 尋空間及減壓的機會.鼓勵你們盡量參 加所有的活動,可是有小孩的家庭可能 會有困難. 請隨意自由參加, 小孩子更 需要你的愛, 關心和忍耐. 我們很高興 你能到來!


  • 離營時間中午十二時
  • 各自檢查各房間, 恢復原來狀況
  • 營地物品請交回
  • 把鑰匙交回. 各導師收集宿舍鑰匙. 遺失要付$10
  • 交回檢討意見表
  • 平安駕駛回家
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English Speaker - Pastor Hanley Liu

Hanley Liu – serves as the English Lead Pastor at First Chinese Baptist Church of Walnut, California (FCBCW). He is happily married to his wife Meryl and the two have one daughter. Aside from family and ministry, Hanley’s greatest passions are running, reading, coffee, spicy foods, candy, Chargers football, Lakers basketball, and Dodgers baseball. He is a graduate of Biola University (B.A., 2003), Talbot School of Theology (M.Div, 2006), and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (D.Min, 2017).

Chinese Speaker - 黃鴻興博士簡介

黃鴻興博士現任美國正道福音神學院新約教授兼 哲學博士和神學碩士科主任,來正道任教之前曾 任渥太華華人宣道會主任牧師 13 年。黃牧師於 70 年代在溫哥華卑斯大學(UBC)求學時信主 並奉獻,曾在加拿大神學院、威斯敏斯特神學院 和謝菲爾德大學分別獲得道學碩士、神學碩士和 哲學博士學位,他的專長是馬太福音,著有 「天道聖經註釋」的《馬太福音》。黃牧師和師 母育有兩個成年兒女。

Youth Speaker - Pastor Mathieu Pau

Mathieu Pau (M. Div., The Master’s Seminary) is an associate pastor helping with Small Groups and Discipleship. His hope is to be able to progress in faithfulness and to steward himself in any way as best he can for Him (1 Timothy 4:15). In his time at Lighthouse, he has come to appreciate the love and care of the elders and staff. He is also encouraged by the familial and discipleship culture at the church. In his spare time, he enjoys powerlifting, amateur carpentry, sports (though good at none), reading, coffee, listening to 90’s and early 00’s R&B, and spending time with his wife Lisa and daughter Harper.

Children's Speaker - Auntie Lois Sherwin

Lois Sherwin, MA in Christian Education from Talbot School of Theology invests her life in reaching boys and girls of all ages with the love and truth of Jesus Christ! She has served as part of Family Camp since 2002! Lois is married to Dr. Nick Sherwin, a business professor at Biola. They live in La Mirada with their daughter Jennifer and visit their son Nick jr and his family in the Bay Area as often as they can!





崇拜帶領和樂隊 Katie Leong, Jonathan Yee, Percy Cheng, Pastor Steven Lee, Tiffany Yee, Josephine Yee, Stephanie Chan, Matthew Chan, Caleb Cheng
帶領崇拜的家庭 Terry & Janice Wong family; Joe & Rosie Chan family; Andrew & Mary Mui family; Percy & Ming-feng Cheng family; David & Amy Yune family; Samuel & Christine Lee; Pastor Steven, Scott Lee, Kevin & Katie Lee families; Robert & Juny I; Fred & Vivien Lee; Wei-wan & Judy Li family
信 息 Pastor Hanley Liu, Dr. HoongHing Wong, Pastor Mathieu Pau, Auntie Lois Sherwin
翻譯員 Philip Huang, Victor Siu, Winnie Chau, Patrick Sum
讚美之夜 Katie Leong
見 証 Pastor Godfrey Hom
謝飯禱告 Eva Benson, Joseph Chan, Danny Choi, Andrew Mui, Benny Lau, Leon Yau, Ryan Dou, Tom Yee


嬰 兒/幼 兒 Carren Chang, Stacey Hom
兒童節目 Uncle George Chiu
青少年 Pastor Steven Lee, Scott Lee
青少年輔導員 Matthew Chan, Nathaniel Chang, Jonas Choi, Stephen Lam, Kasey Leong, Tony Nguyen, Jonathan Yee, Roxy Chan, Stephanie Chan, Melanie Chan, Crystal Peng, Chris Wong, Lauren Yee, Tiffany Yee, Josephine Yee
小組安排 Jenny Sy-Munoz, Pastor Godfrey, Daniel Choi, Erica Wu, Carol Huang, Dian Choi
小組帶領 Danny Choi, Godfrey Hom, Kevin Lee, Tony Lin, Mike Yee, Tom Yee, Terry Wong, Nipa Halim, Adrienne Lee, Renee Lin, Lannie Quan, Patty Quon, Naomi Suzuki, Christine Yee, Janice Wong, Daniel Lim, Percy Cheng, Lily Liu, Ming-Fen Cheng, Hsiao-Fen Chen, Christine Lee, Judy Yang, Juny I, Robert I, Weiwen Li, Joseph Chan, Victor Siu, Albert Choi, Tim Che
長者照顧 Robert & Juny I, WeiWen Li, TC Chang


吃西瓜比賽 David & Amy Yune
手 工 Lily Liu, Adrienne Lee
講 座 Pastor Tony Lin
讚美操 LiShia Wang, Yueh-Chin (Jessica) Liu
團體照 LiHui Hsu, Roger Peng
影 片 Nathaniel Chang


標誌設計 Rachel Yuan
小 冊,旗 幟,雜 項 Rose Chan
推 動 Faith (Terry, Janice) Wong, William (WeiWen, Ying) Li
報 名 Melissa Sum, Rose Chan, Jenny Sy-Munoz, Judy Yang, Christine Siu
視 聽 Jonas Choi, Caleb Cheng, Robert Sie, Samuel Lee, Samuel Lee
靈 修 Eddie Liu, Victor Siu, Daniel Wu, Auntie Lois Sherwin
手 冊 Patrick Sum
翻 譯 Dian Choi
網 路 Scott Lee
註 冊 Melissa Sum, Rose Chan
招 待 Nipa Halim
點 心 Jenny Sy-Munoz
醫 療 714.267.3069 Dr. Joseph Chan, Dr. Josephine (Hsiao-Fen) Chen, Dr. Daniel Lim
車輛接送 Uncle George, Robert I 949.533.5852
名 籤 Patrick & Melissa Sum, Chan family
家庭夏令營安排 Patrick & Melissa Sum