2018 家庭夏令營

六月 29 - 七月 02, 星期五 - 星期一

at Murietta Hot Springs Conference Center


如果您需要醫療幫助,請聯繫馮宙鼎醫師 (562) 658-9514

如果有任何醫療緊急情況,立即通知教會領袖,請聯絡營地工作人員,並要求 911 服務。

如果在營時您需要車輛幫助,請聯繫季明 (949) 232-9969



歡迎你們再次參加本年度的家庭夏令營. 無論是你的第一次或是第四十一 次, 求主藉著祂的話語, 敬拜時間和聖靈的工作來與你相會...也能經歷真正, 有深度的交通.

如果你還未讀過或未想過本年的主題和有關經文, 現在花一些時間來閱讀: 不配得的恩典, 毫無保留的愛.

路加福音 6:35-36, “你們倒要愛仇敵、也要善待他們、並要借給人不指望償還.你們的賞賜就必大了、你們也必作至高者的兒子.因 為他恩待那忘恩的和作惡的。你們要慈悲、像你們的父慈悲一樣。”

在這段經文中, 我們看到 “恩”與 “愛”同時出現在最難實踐的聖經章節中.愛你們的仇敵... 正如至高者有慈愛, 恩惠和憐憫給那些不配得的人. 這就是恩典的定義: 得到不應該得的贈惠.

在聖經裡, 神是對”我”說話多過對其他人的. 是的, 每一個人都是罪人, 都虧缺了神的榮耀. 但神想我們自己首先承認. “除去自己眼中的樑木...” 這樣神才開始作改變生命的工作和建立祂的國度. 這樣我們才以不配得的愛來回應神和其他人... 因為是我們個人所經歷的.

考考你的 “恩典商數” 是看你對仇敵的愛. 如果我們明白到我們多蒙神的饒恕, 我們就會更多去愛 — 甚至及特別是那些 “忘恩” 及 ”作惡”的人. 如果我們認為被饒恕不多 — 沒有神的恩典也無妨, 那麼我們便愛得少, 特別是那些 “忘恩” 及 ”作惡”的人.

這個週末, 讓我們來增加“恩典商數”, 以致我們 “愛的商數”同樣增加.




  • 利用每一個機會來榮耀神及祝福營會裡的弟兄姊妹. 


  • 舒適不耀眼的服飾 (不露出肩膀, 背或肚皮, 不能穿太短的短褲或裙子)


  • 安全第一! 看管及知道你的孩子所在
  • 如果破壞營地物品,你或你的家長需負責.
  • 不能點蠟燭, 油燈或點火. 不可放煙火, 炸藥. 不准用滑板/溜冰鞋/輪式溜冰鞋
  • 嚴禁: 不雅言語, 抽煙, 酒, 色情刊物


  • 尊重他人,請保持安靜. 特別在晚上十時至早上八時之間, 十一時後不准離開房間.
  • 年青人不可進入異性宿舍


  • 崇拜和一般聚會中,手提電話及傳呼機必須關閉或在震盪訊號. 最好把手機關上!
  • 智能電話, 平板電腦/手提電腦不能用來玩遊戲, 上網, 社交網, 聽音樂等, 只限緊急通話, 發短訊, 事工用途及聖經網站



  • 在私人房間不可有飲品或食物, 只可有水.
  • 不能做運動, 按摩, 美容, 化妝示範.
  • 不能播放世俗電影或音樂.
  • 不能有非法品, 賭博或引起破壞的活.
  • 不耀眼的服飾.


English Speaker - Pastor Greg Yee

Greg Yee, was born and raised in Oakland, California and currently serves as the superintendent of the Pacific Northwest Conference of the Evangelical Covenant Church overseeing 78 churches and 250 pastors. He met Mary, his wife of 27 years, at the University of California, Davis where he studied Human Development. After his pastoral training at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, he planted Parkwood Community, as well as served as interim pastor of Glen Ellyn Covenant Church in the Chicago area. He went on to be the founding pastor of New Gen, a ministry to second-generation Southeast Asians in Sacramento, California. Before moving to Seattle, Washington he served as associate superintendent of the Pacific Southwest Conference. There he served in the areas of pastoral care, multi-ethnic ministries, and congregational development. Greg and Mary have three children, Jordan (22), Erin (17), and Caden (12). Greg enjoys basketball, the outdoors, and eating good food with good friends.

Chinese Speaker - 黃守謙牧師

黃守謙牧師 (B.Th. 加拿大草原神學院; M.Div. 台灣中華福音神學院; D.Min. 美國金門浸信會神學院) 。黃牧師是羅省第一華人浸信會的主任牧師。他的人生目標是盡可能帶領更多的人認識耶穌基督並協助他們成為主的真門徒。他感到榮幸能在過去二十三年與許多愛主和願意為主犧牲的弟兄姊妹一起在羅省一浸事奉,他與太太黃張釆蓉已婚三十年,為著太太是一位有主清楚的呼召和非常能幹的傳道人覺得自豪。黃牧師喜歡與人交流,學習新的東西,運動,和音樂。他平常解壓的方式是拉小提琴!

Youth Speaker - Pastor Alex Chen

Alex was born and raised in Southern California, with a brief stint in Taiwan (which he loved!) God gave him a Christian home and church to be raised in, but his faith only increased as he learned and relearned the gospel of God’s amazing grace over many years. After graduating from Biola, Alex spent about 10 years in youth ministry, teaching the Bible and trying to keep up with the latest memes. Alex is a huge sports fan, possibly the biggest one you will ever meet. He also loves eating Chick-fil-A.

Children's Speaker - Auntie Lois Sherwin

Passionate about connecting kids with Christ who loves them so completely, and helping parents as they raise their kids to know and love Jesus, Lois is blessed to serve at Grace Community Seal Beach as Director of Children’s Ministries. Lois is happily married to Dr. Nick Sherwin, a business professor at Biola University. They have two children Jennifer and Nick Jr. a beautiful Daughter in love, Meghan, and two bonus granddaughters, Lillie and Eva. Lois loves learning and earned two Masters, one in Biblical Studies from Trinity Theological Seminary and a Master of Arts in Christian Education from Talbot School of Theology. Lois also leads a care team for her mother who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 2013. When not serving, Lois enjoys reading, baking, walking, bike riding, scuba diving, and travel!

