2024 Church Family Retreat

Map 地圖

For medical assistance, contact retreat doctor:
Dr. Joseph Chan 陳國儀醫師 – (714) 267-3069
Dr. Renee Lin 林李惠靈醫師 – (714) 351-7902

For medical emergency, notify FCBC leadership immediately, request 911 services or notify any Forest Home staff.
如果有任何醫療緊急情況,立即通知教會領袖,請聯絡營地工作 人員,並要求 911 服務。

For shuttle service at retreat, contact brother TC Chang​​​
如果您需要車輛幫助,請聯繫 張泰中弟兄。

Schedule 檢討意見表

Drive to Forest Home
(Heavy Traffic after 12:00pm)
3:00 PM Leaders check-in Setup 預備場地
Receive wrist bands 領取腕帶
4:00 PM Check-in Receive room keys
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Dinner
7:00 PM
7:00 - 7:30
Worship & Announcements
報告, 敬拜

7:40 - 8:30
Message #1

7:40 - 9:20
Children/ Youth

7:40 - 9:20
8:30 - 9:20 - Small Groups
9:20 PM Snacks 點心, Fellowship on Patio 交通
10:00 PM Cabin Time
11:00 PM Lights Out
6:30 AM Morning Devotionals 晨更
7:15 AM - 8:00 AM Guided Prayer 引導禱告 (Hormel Hall)
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Breakfast 早餐
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
9:15 - 9:45
Announcements, Worship
報告, 敬拜

9:55 - 10:45
Message #2

9:55 - 11:50
Children 3/ Youth

9:55 - 11:50

10:45 - 11:45
Small Groups

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Lunch 午餐
1:15 PM All-Retreat Photo 拍全體照
1:30 PM - 5:00 PM
1:30 Arts & Crafts 手工 (Craft Cabin under Blinco)

Recreation (1:30-5:00):
Mears Lake: Swimming, Boating, Water Slide & Blob; Canyon Park: Sky Trail & Giant Swing
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM Counseling & prayer with pastors
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Dinner 晚餐
6:45 PM - 9:20 PM
6:45 - 7:15

7:25 - 9:20

7:25 - 8:15
Message #3

7:25 - 8:20

8:25 - 9:15
Testimonies 見証
(no Nursery/PreK)
Youth @ fire circle

9:20 PM Snacks 點心, Fellowship on Patio 交通
10:00 PM Cabin Time
11:00 PM Lights Out
6:30 AM Morning Devotionals 晨更
7:15 AM - 8:00 AM Guided Prayer 引導禱告 (Hormel Hall)
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Breakfast 早餐
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
9:15 - 9:55
Announcements, Worship
報告, 敬拜
9:55 - 10:45
Message #4
9:55 - 10:45
Children/ Youth
9:55 - 10:45

All-Retreat Closing, Slideshow, Thanksgiving 結束營會, 影片, 感恩
Children's Presentation 兒童表演

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
1:00 Arts & Crafts 手工 (Craft Cabin under Blinco)

Recreation (1:00-4:00pm):
Unmanned venues will be open Manned venues (e.g. pool, Mears Lake, Canyon Park) that are open will be announced two weeks in advance

Counseling & Prayer with Pastors
4:00 PM Clear Room & Load Vehicles 清理房間,裝載車輛
Check-out 退房
5:30 PM Go Home 回家

Welcome 歡迎

Building on the Foundation of Jesus Christ

As I write this, our church building renovation project is in the “Plan Check” stage: the city received our detailed building plans and replied with comments about various issues (e.g. plumbing, electrical). By God’s grace, we should be submitting corrections and proceeding to construction bids very soon.

Among the many issues we needed to address were concerns about the foundation of the new building. The presence of a high water table in our area meant that there is the potential for soil instability (“liquefaction”) in case of an earthquake. Thankfully, there is a cost-effective engineering solution that we adopted into our building plans.

What is true in architecture is even more true in the spiritual realm: we need to build our lives on a strong foundation, engineered by the Master Designer. The presence of sin means that our lives are very unstable and will collapse under the weight of worldly pressure and ultimately under God’s judgment.

Luke 6:49 (NIV84)49 But the one who hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. The moment the torrent struck that house, it collapsed and its destruction was complete.”

How important it is, then, to build our lives—and our church—on a foundation that is solid unto eternity. Jesus Christ is that foundation. He has overcome sin and taken away our judgment at the cross. Jesus has perfectly fulfilled the Laws of God. In Christ alone we have atonement and reconciliation. In Him is everlasting love and peace. Friends, let us always build on this Foundation—personally and as a church.

1 Corinthians 3:11 (CSB)11 For no one can lay any foundation other than what has been laid down. That foundation is Jesus Christ.

Building on Jesus,
Pastor Godfrey


當我寫下這篇文章時,我們的教會重建工程正處於「計劃審查」階段:市政府已收到我們的詳細建築計 劃,並針對各種問題(如管道、電力等)給予了回應。感謝神的恩典,我們應該很快就能提交修正案並 進入建設投標的階段。

在眾多需要解決的問題中,新建築的地基問題尤為重要。由於我們所在地區有高水位的問題,這意味著 在地震時可能會出現土壤不穩定(「液化」)的情況。值得慶幸的是,我們在建築計劃中採用了具有成 本效益的工程解決方案。

在建築領域中的真理,在屬靈領域中更是真理:我們需要將生命建立在一個由大設計師設計的堅固基礎 上。罪的存在使我們的生命非常不穩定,在世俗壓力下最終會倒塌,並在神的審判下完全毀滅。《路加 福音》6:49(和合本)49 只是聽見不去行的,就像一個人在土地上蓋房子,沒有根基,水一沖,那房子 立刻倒塌了,並且那房子的破壞很大。”

因此,把我們的生命——以及我們的教會——建在一個堅固到永恆的基礎上,是多麼的重要。耶穌基督 就是這個根基。他已經勝過了罪,並在十字架上為我們承擔了審判。耶穌完美地履行了神的律法。在基 督裡,我們找到了贖罪和和解。在祂裡面有永恆的愛與和平。朋友們,讓我們在個人和教會層面上,始 終建立在這個根基上。

《哥林多前書》3:11 因為除了那已經立好的根基,就是耶穌基督之外,沒有人能立別的根基。


Speakers 講員

English Speaker - Dr. James Petitfils
Dr. James Petitfils is an Associate Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at Biola University. He holds a BA and MA from Biola University as well as an MA, CPhil, and Ph.D. from UCLA. Trained in both New Testament and the socio-cultural history of the Roman Mediterranean, he researches and publishes on a variety of subjects including storytelling in Roman and early Christian contexts, ancient Christian martyr texts, and leadership in the New Testament and in Mediterranean antiquity. James is currently finishing up his second book entitled Dying in Style: Viewing, Appearance, and Dress in Ancient Christian Martyr Texts (Penn State University Press, 2025). Along with research and teaching, he has been a pastor in the South Bay for over 24 years, currently serving as the Beach Pastor at the River Church. He’s been married to his love and partner in ministry, Braelyn, for over 20 years and together they have a beautiful daughter, Micelli (15), and three beach boys, Brixton (12), Zion (6), and Tiger (10 months). They are also foster parents and have fostered five cute-as-can-be little angels over the last 3 years. James enjoys surfing, family beach days, and burritos.
Chinese Speaker - Pastor Benny Wong 黃守謙牧師簡介
黃守謙牧師/博士是美國金門浸信會神學院中英雙語系的主任和領袖塑造課 程的教 授。他生於香港,一九七八年移民到加拿大。他在加拿大信主並於 一九八零年蒙召作 全職傳道人。一九八四年開始牧會,一九八九年從台灣 中華福音神學院獲得道學碩 士。一九八九至一九九三年牧養加拿大愛城華 人宣道會的英文部。一九九三年神引領 他到洛杉磯牧養羅省第一華人浸信 共三十年之久。二零零一年他從美國金門浸信會神 學院獲取教牧學博士學 位。北美的華人浸信會對黃牧師並不陌生,他在二零一八至二 零二二年期 間被選為美加華浸聯會的主席,他與師母黃張采蓉結婚已三十九年。他喜 愛烹飪、拉小提琴和吹奏 saxophone 。

Dr. Benny Wong is the director of Gateway Seminary’s Chinese-English Bilingual Program and associate professor of leadership formation. He was born in Hong Kong, but he immigrated to Canada in 1978. He became a Christian while he was a teenager, and he was called to Christian ministry in 1980. He started his first pastorate in 1984, after he graduated from a Bible college. In 1989, he returned to Canada to pastor a Chinese Alliance church after he received his M.Div. from a seminary in Taiwan. In 1993, the Lord directed him to Los Angeles to pastor First Chinese Baptist Church Los Angeles until 2024–when he became CEB director at Gateway. In 2001, he received his Doctor of Ministry degree from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr. Wong is an ordained pastor who is well known to Chinese Baptist churches in North America. He served as the president of the US & Canada Chinese Baptist Fellowship from 2018-2022. He is married to his wife, Julia. His hobbies include cooking, playing violin and saxophone.
Children's Speaker – Auntie Donna Hsieh
謝菁萍畢業於北美正道福音神學院。信主近四十年來事奉於兒童事工 超過三十年。 1994 年至美國堪薩斯州進修,獲得人力資源發展碩士學 位。畢業後遷移至南加州 工作。2000 年回應神的呼召半工半讀進入 神學院裝備,其間於國際大使命教會擔 任全職兒童事工及教會行政職 務。婚後專注於婚姻與家庭,與先生劉偉杉弟兄同心 教養兒子以勒,並 固定參加 Calvary Chapel Chino Hills 的聚會及多項服事。2014 年回到 神學院人力資源服事,主日也參與在教會的兒童事工中。神學院畢業 後,曾 任南加州橙縣中福教會兒童部主任四年。神清楚的呼召要她看 重孩子屬靈生命的建 造,及北美華人教會在兒童及家庭的需要,因此,於 2022 年成立了 G1 家庭成長協 會,目的是與眾教會牧者並兒童事工同 工和當地父母連結,同心建造屬靈的後裔。 她順服神的呼召,以培育愛主的第二代成為神國精兵為 使命,願與教會同心建造一 個以教導孩童到老都不偏離神的事工。

Donna Hsieh has served in children's ministry for over thirty years, having been a believer for nearly forty years. In 1994 she obtained a master’s degree in human resource development in Kansas and then relocated to Southern California for work. In 2000, she responded to God's call and entered Logos Evangelical Seminary (North America) while serving in children's ministry and church administration at Great Commission Church International. She married Weishan Liu and together they focused on raising their son. They began serving at Calvary Chapel Chino Hills. In 2014, she returned to Logos Seminary to work in human resources while still participating in children's ministry at church on Sundays. After completing her seminary degree, she served as the director of the children's department at Chinese Evangelical Church of Orange County for four years. In 2022 after recognizing God's clear calling to prioritize the spiritual development of children and the needs of Chinese churches in North America, she founded G1 Family Growth Association, whose goal is to collaborate with pastors and workers in children's ministry and connect with fathers to build spiritual descendants. She obediently responded to God's call to nurture a second generation of God-loving warriors for His kingdom, desiring to work together with the churches to build a ministry that teaches children never to depart from God, from childhood to old age.
Youth Speaker – Keith Fong
Keith Fong worships and serves at Lighthouse Community Church in Torrance, CA, just south of downtown LA. I serve in the junior high ministry as a pastoral intern, helping with teaching and administration. I just graduated from TMS! Before being a part of Lighthouse, I was born and raised in Sacramento. For college, I studied engineering physics at UC Berkeley (“Go Bears!”), graduating in 2013. I’m thankful to God for all His abundant kindness to me through Jesus Christ!

Evaluation 檢討意見表