Call to Prayer: Resuming our Gatherings

Dear FCBC Family,
It has been twelve weeks since we last gathered together as the church due to the Coronavirus Pandemic. I thank God for technology and how we have been able to continue to worship together through livestream and have prayer meeting, fellowship, and Sunday School on Zoom video calls. As each week passes, we miss our time together all the more. We long to meet, sing, pray, fellowship, and just be together. At the same time, as each week passes, we see the growing effects of the pandemic on the world around us. We see the number of people infected, the lives lost, as well as the damage done to the economy, with businesses closing and unemployment rates reaching record highs.
In the recent weeks, there has been increased talk throughout our country on reopening the economy and resuming our lives. We hear updates from Governor Newsom and President Trump, along with many other political and medical officials, as well as countless other opinions for and against what they say. Some people think it is too soon to go back, as the number of infections continue to rise and there is still no vaccine or cure. Others think we should have been able to resume life a long time ago, as long as people are careful and exercise safety precautions. Some are unsure what to believe, as they hear various theories about what is going on, while still others question the statements and motives of politicians in the midst of the upcoming election. Some people dismiss those who want to continue to stay at home as being ruled by fear, while other people accuse those who want to go back as being selfish, reckless, or elevating their freedoms above all else. There are so many differing views and opinions on this topic right now, possibly even within your own household.
For this reason, I especially ask you to pray for our church leadership in this time, as we discuss the details of our church reopening. We recognize there are some who are very eager to come back and worship and fellowship together, while others are hesitant and willing to continue to meet online for the time being. Please pray for wisdom and discernment for our church leadership as we plan for the eventual reopening, while also carefully considering the various risks and concerns. Just as importantly, please pray for humility, patience, love, understanding, and unity, as we recognize the differing views and timelines even among ourselves and seek to work together for the glory of God. I look forward to the day that we can all worship and meet together again.
May God be Glorified in Our Lives,
Steven Lee