2023 Church Family Retreat


For medical assistance, contact retreat doctor:
Dr. Joseph Chan – (714) 267-3069
Dr. Renee Lin – (714) 351-7902

For medical emergency, notify FCBC leadership immediately, request 911 services or notify any Forest Home staff.

For shuttle service at retreat, contact brother TC Chang​​​


8:00 AM Leaders Check-In
9:00 AM Setup
Receive Wrist Bands
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
10:00 - 10:45
Welcome, Worship
9:45 - 12:00

11:00 - 11:50 Message 1

11:00 - 11:50 Children #1 / Youth #1

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Lunch
1:15 PM All-Retreat Photo
Check-in Receive Room Keys
2:30 PM - 5:00 PM 2:30 - 3:30 Prayer Workshop (Hormel Hall)

Recreation (1:30-5:00):
Mears Lake: Swimming, Boating, Water Slide & Blob
Canyon Park: Sky Trail & Giant Swing

Counselor 1-1's
(4:00 - 5:00) Counseling & Prayer with Pastors
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Dinner
6:30 PM - 9:20 PM
6:45 - 7:25
Announcements, Worship
6:30 - 9:20

7:35 - 8:25 - Message 2

7:35 - 9:00 - Children #2 / Youth #2

8:45 - 9:10 - Small Groups
9:20 PM Snacks, Fellowship
10:00 PM Cabin Time
11:00 PM Bedtime (Counselors, please enforce)
6:30 AM Morning Devotionals
7:15 AM - 8:00 AM Guided Prayer (Hormel Hall)
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Breakfast
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
9:15 - 9:55
Announcements, Worship
9:00 - 12:00

10:10 - 11:00 Message #3

10:10 - 11:45 - Children #3 / Youth #3

11:00 - 11:45 - Small Groups

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Lunch
1:30 PM - 5:00 PM
1:30 Arts & Crafts (Hurtt Hall)

Recreation (1:30-5:00):
Mears Lake: Swimming, Boating, Water Slide & Blob
Canyon Park: Sky Trail & Giant Swing

Counselor 1-1's
(4:00 PM - 5:00 PM) Counseling & Prayer with Pastors
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Dinner
6:45 PM - 9:10 PM
6:45 - 8:00 Praise Presentation (No Nursery/Prek)
8:10 - 9:10 - Children #4 8:10 - 9:10 - Testimonies
(No Nursery/Prek)
Youth testimonies will be at outdoor bonfire.
9:20 PM Snacks, Fellowship
10:00 PM Cabin Time
11:00 PM Bedtime (Counselors, please enforce)
6:30 AM Morning Devotionals
7:15 AM - 8:00 AM Guided Prayer (Hormel Hall)
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Breakfast
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
9:15 - 9:55
9:00 - 11:10

10:10 - 11:00 - Message #4

10:10 - 11:00 - Children #5 / Youth #4

11:15 - All-Retreat Closing, Slideshow, Thanksgiving, Children's Presentation

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM Checkout, Go Home

Retreat Rules and Sharing

Spontaneous Prayer 

  • Pray with and over each other at any time, in any place


  • Make the most of every opportunity to glorify God and bless your fellow brothers/sisters here at the retreat.

Campground Environment 

  • Safety first! Supervise and know where your children are at all times.
  • Prohibited: profanity, abusive or inconsiderate language, use or possession of tobacco and alcohol products, lewd or pornographic materials or publications.

Lodging Areas 

  • Respect lodging areas. Keep noise to a minimum. Curfew is 11:00 p.m; enjoy your cabin time in your apartments. Quiet hours are 10:00 pm to 8:00 am.
  • Youth must avoid opposite gender quarters.

Electrical Devices 

  • Silence phones during worship and general meetings.
  • Use electrical devices in a God-honoring way. 


Testimonies & Small Group Sharing

Testimonies: Sharing God’s Goodness

  • Audible: tell us your name and introduce yourself.
  • Brief: limit your sharing to 3 minutes.
  • Christ-centered: confess Jesus Christ publicly, especially if you have accepted Him or re-established your relationship with Him.

Small Group Sharing

  • Open the time with prayer.
  • Get personal – talk about your Christian testimony, your family, some current life challenges and joys, why you are here at retreat.
  • Prayer – Pray for one another and the retreat.
  • Share a recent experience or praise God for what He has done or quote something from God’s Word.


Five seconds of sheer panic
Have you ever had this very disorienting five-second experience in life, in which you wake up one day, not knowing where you are or what day or time it is?! For those brief five seconds, you are in a panic—or, at least in a mild “twilight zone”—until your brain catches up to your eyesight and connects what you see with the facts in your short-term memory. You then realize “OK, everything is fine; I know where I am (or what time or day it is)!”

Open Our Eyes to Jesus
Our church’s annual theme, and theme for this year’s retreat, is “Open Our Eyes,” based on the words Jesus spoke to Apostle Paul on the road to Damascus (Acts 26:18). How must Paul have felt when he was blinded by the brilliant light and booming voice of Jesus? What went through his mind after Ananias laid his hands on him and the scales fell from his eyes? How disoriented it must have been for him to be baptized as a Christian, instead of being a persecutor of them!

Some of you “opened your eyes” to the reality and goodness of Jesus Christ a long time ago, while for others of you it was a more recent opening. Still others of you have not yet had the life-transforming experience of seeing and believing Jesus as Lord and your personal Savior. Consider what Jesus said about those who open their eyes and believe in Jesus: Acts 26:18 (NASB 2020) 18 to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me.’ To open one’s eyes to Jesus means a life transformed!

Open Our Eyes to Brothers and Sisters
Besides seeing God, may He also open our eyes to see one another as brothers and sisters in the same family. In another famous John 3:16 verse, John wrote: 16 We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers and sisters (1 John 3:16). If our eyes have been opened to believing in Jesus as the Great Sacrifice who paid the price for our sins, then may our eyes stay open to loving our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Friends, I urge you to pray and seek out opportunities to love and make sacrifices for your brother or sister. Who needs a friend, a listening ear, a love gift to pay a bill, or a laying on of hands in prayer? Who needs to be encouraged that God has not forgotten, not given up and not forsaken him/her? Who needs to be made first in Christ after being in last place their whole lives? Open your eyes and see! Your sibling in Jesus is out there waiting for you to love on him/her!

Five Seconds of Life Transformation
I pray that we might each be somehow disoriented by the Word and Spirit of God this weekend. Perhaps the Lord will speak to us during a five second stretch this weekend—in a sermon or in a quiet time. But...instead of resuming our old ways after those five seconds, may we be reoriented to a new way of living! May we wake up to a new reality because we’ve been blinded by the brilliance of Jesus and seen His majesty and glory!

With Open Eyes and Arms,
Pastor Godfrey


English Speaker – Dr. Ryan Peterson
Ryan Peterson is a Christian husband, father, and teacher of theology. He loves Jesus. Ryan and Christy have been married for 24 years, and they have four children, Mercy (16), Comfort (15), Patience (10), and Justice (10). They are members of Redeemer Church, La Mirada. Ryan is an associate professor of theology at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, and has been on the faculty at Talbot for 8 years. He is committed to helping the church know and love the God of the gospel on the basis of Scripture. Prior to joining the Talbot faculty, Ryan taught at Moody Bible Institute and Cedarville University. He holds degrees from Wheaton College, the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, Biola University, and  Moody Bible Institute.
Chinese Speaker - Pastor Albert Ting
Pastor Albert Ting was born in Malaysia. He received his first theological training in Singapore Bible College and graduated in 1983. After serving in Malaysia for two years, he pursued further theological education at Talbot School of Theology (Biola University). He had served as the Associate Pastor in First Chinese Baptist Church, Fountain Valley for 7 years when the Lord called him back to Asia to teach in his Alma Mater, Singapore Bible College.

For almost 18 years, Albert devoted his life in theological education to train faithful servants of Jesus Christ. In the later years of his teaching ministry, he was called to be the President of Singapore Bible College from 2006 to 2014. Upon fulfillment of God’s calling and purposes for his ministry in Asia, the Lord led Albert back to LA and called him to be the Senior Pastor of FCBC Walnut in September 2014.
​Albert enjoys reading, hiking, movies, music, Lakers basketball, good food, Vietnamese coffee, cooking and spending time with family and friends. He is happily married to Rebecca and together they have two grown children, Jeremy and Adeline.
Children's Speaker - Auntie Lois Sherwin
Lois accepted Christ at age 5 with her Mom. Coming to Christ as a young child gives her a huge heart for helping connect kids with the love and forgiveness of Jesus, and the joy of life in Him.

Lois grew up volunteering in Kids Ministry and has served in full time vocational kids ministry since 1996.

Lois is very happily married to the newly retired Dr. Nick Sherwin, who served 26 years as Strategy Professor at Biola University. They have two adult children, Jennifer and Nick Jr, a beautiful daughter in love, Meghan, and three precious grandchildren, Lillie, Eva, and Lachlan.

Lois grew up in Southern California. She lived for two glorious years in the Pocono Mountains of Northeast PA. Lois currently serve as Children's Pastor at Creekside Christian Church in Elk  Grove, CA, close to her son and his family!

Lois enjoys hiking, reading, baking, swimming, biking and listening to Nick play music. She is a certified scuba diver and loves the ocean. She is a DMin student at Talbot School of Theology studying Spiritual Formation and Soul Care as it relates to children and families.

Favorite Verse: “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” John 3:16-17

Life Verses: And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose! Romans 8:28

Deuteronomy 6:4-9 “Hear, O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD is one! You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be as frontals on your forehead. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.
Youth Speaker – Pastor Mathiew Pau
Mathieu Pau is an associate pastor helping with Small Groups and Discipleship at Lighthouse Community Church in Torance, CA. In his time at Lighthouse, he has come to appreciate the love and care of the elders and staff. He is also encouraged by the familial and discipleship culture at the church. In his spare time, he enjoys strength sports (powerlifting and olympic weightlifting in particular), amateur carpentry, sports (though good at none), reading, coffee, listening to 90’s and early 00’s R&B, and spending time with his wife, Lisa, and children, Harper, Lucy, and Judah. He has an MDiv. from The Master's Seminary (graduated with Pastor Steven!), and counseling certification through ACBC and counseling certificates through  CCEF. His family would love to get to know you, so please say hello!

Message Outlines

English Adult Messages – Dr. Ryan Peterson

Complete English Message Outlines & Small Group Questions

Saturday Morning, August 5

“From Darkness to Light: Creation and Salvation in Christ Jesus” Colossians 3:1-11

Saturday Evening, August 5

“Sanctified by Faith in Jesus Christ: Made for God’s Presence” Hebrews 10:19-25

Youth Messages – Pastor Mathieu Pau

Complete Youth Message Outlines & Small Group Questions

Saturday Morning, August 5

Session 1 – Introduction: Stewarding All That We Have (Matthew 25:14-30)
KEY IDEA: In this fallen world, we are all afflicted in various ways. But rather than be hopeless victims of circumstance, we can find hope when we seek to honor God by being faithful stewards of what He has sovereignly placed in our lives.

Saturday Evening, August 5

Session 2 – Anger: What’s Got You All Worked Up? (James 4:1-12)
KEY IDEA: When we are angry, God gives us grace to respond in Christ-like ways.

Children’s Schedule & Messages – Auntie Lois Sherwin

Key Verse: “To open their eyes. I want you to turn them from darkness to light. I want you to turn them from Satan’s power to GOD. I want their sins to be forgiven. They will be forgiven when they believe in me. They will have their place among God’s people.” Acts 26:18 (NIrV)

Saturday Morning, August 5

Zoom – The Book of Genesis
Big Idea: Jesus defeated sin, so we can have a friendship with God.
Bible Basis: The Book of Genesis
Key Verse: “Nothing at all can separate us from God’s Love. That’s because of what Christ Jesus our Lord has done.” Romans 8:39b (NIrV)

Saturday Evening, August 5

Zoom – The Book of Exodus
Big Idea: God has the power to provide, so we can trust that He will give us all we need.
Bible Basis: The Book of Exodus
Key Verse: “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19 (NIV)

English Adult Messages – Dr. Ryan Peterson

Complete English Message Outlines & Small Group Questions

Sunday Morning, August 6

“Knowing and Loving God and God’s People” Genesis 1:26-28

Youth Messages – Pastor Mathieu Pau

Complete Youth Message Outlines & Small Group Questions

Sunday Morning, August 6

Session 3 – Depression: When the Darkness Won’t Lift (Psalm 42-43)
KEY IDEA: Depression often feels hopeless. Yet God gives us hope to live faithfully in the midst of the darkness.

Children’s Schedule & Messages – Auntie Lois Sherwin

Key Verse: “To open their eyes. I want you to turn them from darkness to light. I want you to turn them from Satan’s power to GOD. I want their sins to be forgiven. They will be forgiven when they believe in me. They will have their place among God’s people.” Acts 26:18 (NIrV)

Sunday Morning, August 6

Zoom – The Book of Leviticus
Big Idea: Jesus is the ultimate atonement, so we can put our faith in Him.
Bible Basis: The Book of Leviticus
Key Verse: “Jesus is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.” 1 John 2:2 (NIV)

Sunday Evening, August 6

Zoom – The Book of Numbers
Big Idea: God takes sin seriously, so we should live our life His way.
Bible Basis: The Book of Numbers
Key Verse:“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23 (NIV)

English Adult Messages – Dr. Ryan Peterson

Complete English Message Outlines & Small Group Questions

Monday Morning, August 7

“Sent as Witnesses to the Gospel of Jesus Christ” 2 Corinthians 5:14-21

Youth Messages – Pastor Mathieu Pau

Complete Youth Message Outlines & Small Group Questions

Monday Morning, August 7

Session 4 – Anxiety: Gripped by Fear (Luke 12:22-34)
KEY IDEA: God doesn’t condemn our fears, but he encourages us to move toward Him with trust even in the midst of our fears.

Children’s Schedule & Messages – Auntie Lois Sherwin

Key Verse: “To open their eyes. I want you to turn them from darkness to light. I want you to turn them from Satan’s power to GOD. I want their sins to be forgiven. They will be forgiven when they believe in me. They will have their place among God’s people.” Acts 26:18 (NIrV)

Monday Morning, August 7

Zoom – The Book of Deuteronomy
Big Idea: God takes care of us, so we should remember the many things He has done.
Bible Basis: The Book of Deuteronomy
Key Verse: “Remember the days of long ago. Think about what the LORD did through those many years.” Deuteronomy 32:7 (NIrV)


Children’s Morning Devotions

Thank God for this day. Thank God for FCBCFV Family Retreat.
  • What was your favorite part we studied from the book of Genesis?
  • What did you learn about God from our Saturday morning study?
  • Read Genesis 1:26-31. Draw a picture of the story or write to God your favorite part of the story and why you liked it.
  • After people sinned, God didn’t just give up on them. Why do you think that is?
  • Thank God for creating the world and creating you. Thank God for the gift of Jesus.
  • Children’s Morning Devotions

    Tell God Good Morning. Thank Him for this beautiful day. Thank Him for His great love for you. Thank Him for your church and your family.
  • What two books of the Bible did we study yesterday? _____________________ & _____________________
  • What is one thing you remember about our Bible time yesterday?
  • Do you remember one of our verses from our 2023 family retreat? Write it below.
  • Remember God loves you unconditionally! Thank God for loving you and tell God you love Him.
  • Family Retreat Team


    Worship Song Leader & Musicians Katie Leong, Nathan Kwong, Venus Tong, Matthew Tong, Mike Nguyen, Weiwen Li, Chi Ming, Michael Wong, Percy Cheng, Meng Fan Cheng, Caleb Cheng, Josephine Yee, Chelsea, Lin Zheng, Albert Weng, Fred & Vivien Lee.
    Messages Dr. Ryan Peterson, Pastor Albert Ting, Pastor Mathieu Pau, Auntie Lois Sherwin.
    Interpreters Pastor David Lin, Annie Chow, Polly Sequeira, Patrick Sum.
    Praise & Presentations Albert & Melanie Weng, Katie Leong.
    Testimony Night Pastor Godfrey Hom
    Pray for Meals Kent Lee family, Lannie Quan family, Kevin & Cathy Lai, Beverly Tam, Conrad Shiao family, Sharon Yung family, Kelly Deng family


    Little Kids’ Camp Debbie Yau, Stacey Hom, Carren Chang, Roxy Chan, Nathaniel Chang, Sarah Hom, Stephen Lam, Stephanie Lam, Albert & Melanie Weng, Katie Lee, Ada Cheng, Adrienne Lee, Angie Lee, Jennifer Lee, Jenny Sy-Munoz, Matthew Chan.
    Children's Program Pastor Steven Lee, George Chiu
    Youth Camp Pastor Steven Lee, Scott Lee
    Counselors Caleb Cheng, George Chiu, Brian Hong, Thien Han Nguyen, Jeffery Nguyen, Edward Pauw, Robert Sie, Jeffrey Sie, Matthew Tong, Jonas Choi, Nathan Kwong, Scott Lee, Michael Nguyen, Tony Nguyen. Crystal Peng, Chris Wong, Josephine Yee, Marsha Kwong, Samantha Wong
    Small Group Discussion Coordinators Jenny Sy-Munoz, Pastor Frank Cheng, Pastor David Lin
    Small Group Discussion Leaders Pastor Tony Lin, Conrad Shiao, Lorden Chang, Michael Wong. Rose Lee, Dana Nguyen, Lynnette Woo, Michelle Sha. Chi Ming, Daniel Lim, Lin Zheng. Cathy Niu, Rachel Li, Erica Wu, Yang Ying (Judy). Victor Siu, Wai-Mui Lau, Albert Choi, Edith Lee
    Ushering-Greeting Wei-wen Li, Roger Peng


    Craft Dian Choi, Naomi Suzuki
    Camp Photo LiHui Hsu, Roger Peng
    Slide Show Nathaniel Chang, Chris Wong


    Brochure, Banner, etc. Melanie Weng
    Promotion Percy Cheng, Joseph Chan, Danny Choi
    Registration Melissa Sum, Connie Chen, Jenny Sy-Munoz, Debbie Yau, Juny I, Christine Siu
    Audio/Visual Jonas Choi, Robert Sie, Caleb Cheng, LiHui Hsu, Wynstan Tong
    Handbook & Translation Patrick Sum, Dian Choi
    Camp Info Microsite Scott Lee
    Check-in Melissa Sum, Debbie Yau, Dave Yune, Jared Yune, Jenny Sy-Munoz, Judy Li
    Hospitality Nipa Halim
    Snacks/Refreshment Erica Wu, Min-Hsiu Chen, WeiWen & Judy Li, Meng-Fen Cheng, Teresa Sha, Cindy Zheng
    Medical (714) 267-3069 Drs. Joseph Chan, Renee Lin, Josephine Chen
    Camp Shuttle TC Chang
    Name Tags Patrick & Melissa Sum
    Camp Planning Pastors Godfrey, Frank, David; Connie Chen, Debbie Yau, Albert & Melanie Weng, Patrick & Melissa Sum.