Pure Milk of the Word

 As I was feeding the other night one verse came to mind.  1 Peter 2:2 "like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the word, so that by it you may grow in respect to salvation"

(I had to throw in a baby picture)  Why was this metaphor chosen outside of its universal affinity to babies?  This morning, when this little one is hungry, all the usual tricks of rocking, white noise, bouncing, pacifier (works only briefly), swaddling, fail miserably.  Only one thing satisfies.  Milk.  And quickly the crying ends, a satisfied gurgle and wide eyed expectancy ensues as Isaiah feeds on the precious supply of milk.  

The emphasis on the passage then is on the longing, craving, desire for the word of God, as satisfying our souls and causing us to grow in our salvation.   Maybe not immediate growth, but over time, what do you know, our little one has gained a couple ounces, and a few centimeters after Mom's consistent, laborious, around the clock feeding.  Maybe that says something too for pastors and teachers - the laborious preparation of food for people to hear, be fed and grow in salvation is laborious, but too a labor of love.

Have you read the milk of the word today?  Is there a longing, craving, without which you will cry your lungs out to God until your soul is satisfied with God's Word alone.  After all, man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds from the mouth of God (cf. Dt 8:3).  Take some time today to continue your feeding, I mean Bible reading.