Sermons on the Psalms

Over the next few months we will be going through a new sermon series on selected Psalms. The psalms have always been one of the favorite books throughout history. Jesus quoted the psalms frequently and naturally as if He had the psalter memorized. The apostles both knew the psalms (Acts 16:25) and instructed others to sing and meditate on hymns, psalms and spiritual songs (Eph 5:19) surely including the psalter. And then we have the testimony of saints throughout history who have loved the Psalms and held on to them in times of joy and sorrow.
Since our theme for the year is alive in Christ, we thought we would look at the life of David through psalms to teach us to pray, sing and meditate God's Word and relate to God as the saints have throughout the centuries. A listing of the psalms we will look at:
Psalm 59 – David Fleeing Saul
Psalm 34 – David feigning madness
Psalm 18 – David’s deliverance from Saul
Psalm 132 – Davidic Covenant: On account covenant with David
Psalm 51 – David’s confession of sin of Bathsheba
Psalm 3 –David’s losing kingdom and family: O Absalom
Psalm 30 – David’s continual dependence on God: house dedication after census
Psalm 22 – the slain King (Palm Sunday)
3/27 – Psalm 110 – the Messiah King (Resurrection Sunday)
In these studies we will see a man after God's own heart and His spiritual life when facing trials, persecution, success, compromise, repentance and eventually a pointing forward to a King greater than David, that is our Lord Jesus Christ. I think the psalms have always been and continue to be relevant to all of us because we all face fears, feel alone, have difficult people, attain some success, and fall into temptation. The psalms give us words to pray and praise to God when we face each new situation in life. May our study be a help to you and I as we live out our 'alive'-ness in Christ.