Reopening Delayed

Dear Church Family,

The state of California is moving into Phase 3--the stage which allows reopening churches. We had originally scheduled to reopen the campus this coming week on Wednesday, June 10 for the morning and evening prayer meetings, and for Friday evening small groups on June 12.

However, due to curfews imposed around Southern California since last weekend and ongoing uncertainties about public safety, the Reopening Task Force met recently and decided to postpone Day 1 of reopening until Wednesday, July 1. That is Independence Day weekend, so your small groups may or may not meet that Friday, July 3-please check with your group leaders.

As for Sunday worship services, which we know many of you are eager to resume attending, we will begin first testing with small groups to work out safety procedures. When we do reopen, please expect that seating capacity will be greatly reduced, and a "reservation" system will be in place to limit the total number of worshipers.

Regarding Sunday School and children's ministries, please stay tuned and be patient, as these are the most difficult and complicated to reopen within the current safety guidelines.

We thank you for your feedback on the survey. We have read and heard your comments. We took them into account when making this decision to postpone. We share your concern about regathering on campus while COVID-19 cases are still climbing. We also share your disappointment in the delays. I was, and still am, eagerly looking forward to regathering with you all, even if only in small groups at first. May the Lord give us patience and hope as we wait.