July 1 Reopening Postponement

Church Family and Friends ,

After much prayerful discussion, the Reopening Task Force has made the decision to postpone our reopening date once again. We will not meet on campus on Wednesday July 1 for prayer meetings as planned. It is disappointing, since my earnest hope has been to begin meeting again face-to-face (physically, not virtually).
經過很多的禱告和討論, 教會重開工作小組決定延後重開的日子. 七月一日的禱告會不會在教會進行. 真的是十分失望因為我很希望能與你們面對面重聚(不只是在線上見到你).

The decision was made because of the recent surge in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations. The average number of daily new cases in California has more than tripled in just the past few weeks. Ten days ago, on June 15, there were 2,108 new cases in the state. Since then, the trend line has sharply increased to 7,149 new cases yesterday. Instead of flattening, the curve is actually bending higher.
做出這個決定是因為最近新冠肺炎患病及留院人數在上升.  加州平均每天新症比過去增加了三倍. 十日前, 在六月十五日, 加州新症是2,108宗. 但現時至昨天已增加至7,149宗. 不但沒有受到控制而是指數在上升.

Dr. Joseph Chan noted in our meeting that there are more people than ever in the COVID ICU at his hospital. The surge in patients that was feared a few months ago now seems to have arrived in California. Likely the protests over the past month have contributed to the rise, but also there are more crowds in public and many people are not wearing masks.
陳國儀醫生在我們的會議中指出他的醫院在加護病房接受新冠肺炎治療的人數極增. 以前擔心病人的人數會很多, 而今真的出現在加州. 可能因上個月的抗議遊行使病患加增, 也可能公眾地方的人群及很多人沒有戴口罩引起.

So, after much discussion and prayer, we decided to postpone our reopening indefinitely. It is true that most of the state of California is officially in Stage 3 as of last Friday, and that churches are eligible to begin "in-person services." It does feel strange to remain closed while so many businesses have reopened and the freeways are jammed again with traffic. Yet we also acknowledge that the nature of church gatherings is inherently more risky because of the dense quarters and personal interactions. So, we cannot blindly follow the lead of the business community that is dependent upon opening to survive. 
經過禱告及商議後, 我們決定無限期延後重開. 雖然上週五加州已進入第三期的開放, 教會可以有實體聚會. 其他生意已重開, 高速公路已回復塞車, 而我們仍要關閉的確感覺不自在. 可是, 我們得承認在教會集體聚會是具危險性的因有人際的互動. 所以我們不能盲從生意行業所為, 因他們需謀生.  

We ask for your understanding and patience as we continue to seek wisdom throughout this pandemic. We are not waiting for the caseload to drop to zero or for no risk at all...that may never happen. We are waiting for the curve to begin a sustained decline before we consider reopening the campus. In the meantime, the Reopening Task Force continues to meet regularly and make plans for reopening when it is safer and wise to do so.  May God have mercy, and may His abiding presence and peace sustain you and your family in these uncertain times. 
懇請你們了解及忍耐, 我們會繼續在此疫情中求智慧. 我們不會等到完全沒有人患此症或是完全再沒有危險性, 這是不可能的. 我們等疫情受控制後再考慮重開. 在此期間, 重開工作小組仍繼續開會, 計劃在安全可行情況下重開教會. 求神憐憫, 願祂的同在和平安在此不明朗的日子保守你們和你一家.

In the mighty name of Jesus,
Pastor Godfrey